Health Fitness

Tips for cleaning up spilled cereal on the carpet

A healthy start to the day is very important so that you can have enough energy for the tasks ahead. Eating cereal is without a doubt one of the best foods you can start your day with. It is really delicious and healthy and it will definitely fill you up. It contains many vitamins, minerals and fiber that will energize your body.

But sometimes there are situations where you are clumsy while eating breakfast and accidentally spill the bowl full of cereal and milk on your beautiful rug. This is not something you want to see on your carpet, so when it happens you should clean it right away.

If you are facing this problem on your home carpet, check out the simple tips below to handle this situation properly.

• The first thing to focus on is cleaning up any spilled cereal and milk from your carpet. Use a spoon to carefully scoop up the solid food particles and then get a clean sponge to soak up the liquid particles. Keep doing this until you have removed as much as you can.

• Once you have cleaned up spilled cereal and milk on your carpet, the next thing to do is prepare a cleaning solution that you will use on the affected area of ​​the carpet. A mixture of one part white vinegar with four parts warm water will work very well to remove the stain that is left on the carpet.

• Take the cleaning solution you have prepared and apply a few drops to the stained area of ​​the carpet. Let it sit there for a few minutes and then get a clean white cloth and start drying the area. You will see that the carpet stain will lighten as you continue drying. This is good news, as it means that the procedure is working. Keep doing this until all the stain is gone.

• Completely removing the stain will not be the last thing you will have to do. You have yet to remove any possible residue that may be left on your carpet. Pour a glass of water on the area where the cereal and milk were spilled and then get a clean towel and dry everything well.

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