How To Improve Indoor Air Quality

How To Improve Indoor Air Quality

We live in times when densely populated areas become epicenters for diseases and dust accumulation in no time. With automobiles flooding every street corner and factories churning out more fumes than ever, maintaining your household’s air quality should be among your top priority. It is more important than before, with diseases such as COVID-19 that are transmitted through air. Carry on reading to find out how you can improve your indoor air quality!

A healthier filtration system

All air conditioners contain a filtration system but not all of them can filter out particles in the air like infectious particles or even very fine dust. Air conditioner filters are rated using a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) scale based on the particles they can capture. Standard HVAC conditioners maintain a MERV rating of 8, however high energy particulate air (HEPA) filters have a MERV rating between 17 and 20 which capture a much higher amount of particles in the air. You will need to speak to a professional so you can be properly guided on which filtration system is the best for your HVAC. You may be advised to get a filtration system with a MERV rating of 13 so it does not reduce air flow.

UV lights

For many of the same reasons we need protection from ultraviolet radiation for the Sun, we use UV radiation to disinfect surfaces, kill germs and diseases. This technology is now being used in HVAC systems to disinfect your air before it gets pushed into your house. Ultraviolet rays are built into the cooling coils to help keep the drain pan and evaporator coil absolutely clean. This radiation can effectively kill most germs while protecting you all the while!


A dehumidifier sucks, operates by pulling in moisture and reduces the humidity levels in the air, in turn killing mold and other microbes that live in your air. They can also prevent many kinds of bacteria or viruses from growing, keeping your home safe for your loved ones.

A good ventilation design

Perhaps one of the most important ways on how you can largely improve your indoor air quality is by having a ventilation design that keeps in mind your home’s design and the direction the air circulates in. Large windows and openings could let a lot of dust in and particles in your air making it quite unsafe. A heating, ventilation and air conditioning MRO expert can guide you best on the kinds of vents you should use and where you should install them.

Keeping your air clean is more important than ever before with a myriad of new particles in the air, however, thanks to modern technology, removing them has also never been easier. For your air purification needs, I would recommend ProServices Supply. With their wide range of air conditioners and MRO solutions, they have something for everyone! For new HVAC systems that can help you keep your house clean and safe or to speak to a professional today.

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