How Do Babies Born With Crystal Meths Become Addicted?

How Do Babies Born With Crystal Meths Become Addicted?

Did you know that babies born addicted to crystal meths have the highest rate of childhood addiction disorders? They are also statistically affected with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) at the age of three. What makes this substance so addictive? It’s due to a very high concentration of the chemical known as meth, also known as crystal meth.

What happens when a person who is addicted to Crystal Meth becomes pregnant? The body of this person will experience a rapid rise in the blood pressure. This in turn will cause a rapid drop in the potassium level as well. Potassium is needed for the brain to work properly and for it to stay healthy. When there is an imbalance in these levels, the brain has difficulty receiving the necessary chemicals for it to function properly.

Addicted To Crystal Meth

Also, when a person is pregnant, they may experience nausea and vomiting. This is due to the increased amount of food that is digested at one time. These side effects will eventually pass, however, it would be wise to stop taking the drugs. If the side effects last for more than one or two months, it could be a sign that the baby will experience health problems as the baby grows.

Crystal meths are highly addictive during the first few years of life of the baby. A person may begin to take them regularly while still a teenager. The abuse can continue into adulthood. In fact, many addicts will go on to live normal, fulfilling lives with normal families. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Many of these people were not aware that the drugs that they were using during their adult lives may harm the baby.

How Do Babies Born With Crystal Meths Become Addicted?

While the baby is still inside the womb, the drug affects the body and mind of the baby. The baby’s central nervous system and the neurotransmitters in the brain are affected. While the newborn may not be in serious danger, these changes and disruptions to normal development are what can later cause learning and behavioral problems. As the child grows up, the abusers begin to take more of the drugs. They use these powerful drugs to make themselves feel good. Their own suffering is used as an excuse for the repeated use of the drugs.

Crystal meths are often used by expectant mothers while they are in labor. These women may also seek small amounts of the drugs during other times in their lives. When a woman becomes addicted, she may use on a regular basis during her pregnancy. Unfortunately, this can have long term, negative effects on the health of the infant. Birth defects are rare in cases where meths are used, but there are serious risks when these drugs are used by the expectant mother.

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