The ‘Michael Jackson’ diet

Granted, there’s actually no such thing as an official ‘Michael Jackson’ diet, but his lifestyle is worth knowing if you’re interested in losing weight. There are two basic principles to follow if you want to achieve the physique of that skinny, mean dancing machine that was (and still is) the King of Pop. 1. Eat healthy: In the case of […]

The importance of flexibility in golf, especially for older golfers with stretching exercises

If your range of motion is limited by stiffness or even stiffness, your golf game will be severely affected as your club speed won’t be as fast. Stretching exercises, which work very well with strengthened muscles, are really effective in helping to improve range of motion and become more flexible. These workouts typically have a significant effect on golf swing […]

Fat Burning Exercises for Men in a Busy World!

Obesity levels are through the roof, cancer, diabetes, and other fitness-related ailments and diseases are constantly increasing, and our population is becoming less healthy by the day. The terrible thing is that many of these conditions are caused by two things: poor nutrition and lack of exercise. What’s even worse is the fact that almost everyone knows what need do […]

Do you wonder why your penis and testicles sweat? – Mysteries of the penis and testicles explained

A fact about men is that their penis and testicles sweat. The amount you sweat will depend on your current environment at the time (hot, cold), how active you are (running around the block or watching TV), your diet, and your genetic disposition. Surprisingly, even if you don’t feel condensation (beads) of sweat on your body or testicles, this doesn’t […]

Healthy lifestyle and weight loss

Setting a goal to lose weight has its drawbacks. It’s hard to measure unless of course you set a goal to lose xxx number of pounds in xxx number of weeks or months. The problem with a goal like this is that it lacks definitive action. It’s easier to set a healthy life goal. Then you can decide the steps […]