
You Need To Stop A Dog From Digging – Find Out How

Some dogs are just born to dig. Although digging is a characteristic of some breeds (a factor to consider if you’re in the process of choosing a dog), there’s no guarantee that any dog ​​won’t dig.

Dogs dig for a variety of reasons and it is natural dog behavior so while it may not be possible to stop digging entirely, there are a number of things you can do to keep destruction to a minimum.

First find out why your dog likes to dig.

If your dog only digs to bury bones, don’t give him bones.

Does your dog have a place to escape from extremes of heat or cold? If you haven’t provided any relief from the elements, your dog may be digging for a cooler place to lie down. Make sure your dog has a place he likes to go to cool off or keep warm.

Some dogs have a lot of energy and if you don’t provide them with enough exercise, digging is one way they can exercise. A high-energy dog ​​may need to be walked a couple of times a day for 30-45 minutes.

If you find that doesn’t work with your busy schedule, take a walk at least once a day and work it out at home for the second session with a good game of fetch.

Tug of war can be another good way to shoot your dog if you play it the right way. Just play with a designated pull toy and you should be the one in charge. The “Tug” game starts and ends only when you say so.

Does your dog dig to escape? Look at your dogs digging pattern. Some dogs are explorers by nature, if you make it impossible for them to escape they will stop digging.

You can extend your fence 8 to 10 inches underground or bury chicken wire under the grass along the fence where you are trying to escape. Dogs hate the feeling of trying to dig through the wire.

The other reason some dogs try to run away is separation anxiety, in this case they don’t want to run away they want to be with you. Separation anxiety is a complex psychological problem that is beyond the scope of this article.

Boredom can be another cause of your dogs digging. Does your dog stay alone in your yard for long periods of time? Do you have any toys to occupy his time?

Don’t leave all of your dog’s toys outside all the time. Give your dog a few toys at a time and then rotate the toys for more variety. Try toys that dispense treats slowly and use different fillings to add even more variety.

Ask someone to come and walk your dog during the day. If you don’t have a friend who can help you, there are paid services that will.

Finally, there are dogs that love to dig. If you can’t stop it, control it. Channel your dog to only dig in a designated area. He gives up a small area of ​​the garden that will be his to do as he pleases.

It turns the earth upside down and buries interesting things for you to discover. If you don’t have a corner to spare, invest in a children’s sandbox. Take him to your dig site and encourage him to dig there, you may need to help him find some of the surprises the first time.

If you catch him while he’s digging out of your dig site, give him a stern verbal “Uh-huh” or “No” reprimand. Take him to his dig site and praise him lavishly when he digs in the right spot.

This, dig in your own dig spot training, works best if you only allow supervised access to your garden until the habit is firmly established.

You can stop a dog from digging, or at least stop digging in unacceptable places, if you figure out why he’s digging and give him an alternative.

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