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The secret of earning money

Imagine you found a magic lamp and discovered that the Genie inside it not only gave you 3 wishes, but gave you a lifetime of wishes. What can you ask?

More money?

Most of us have grown up believing that we have to work hard for our money, or that wanting more money is a sin, that’s wrong! The truth is that money allows us to experience many wonderful things in life that are impossible without it. With that I do not mean that our lives have no meaning without it because that would be false. What I’m saying is that money brings with it more opportunities for us to create different experiences that we would miss out on without it. Life is supposed to be abundant for all of us, not just a select few, and we now live in an age where the real knowledge on how to make money is out there for us to grab, stir up the impulses within all of us, and pop the lid off the box, so to speak.

It is easy to earn money and every person who enjoys the abundance of wealth has known how easy it is for a long time. There was a small percentage of people who, by applying the methods that I will reveal to you shortly, created wonderful experiences in their lives simply because they knew how. There is even scientific evidence in favor of what I am going to talk about. Regardless of whether you believe it or not, this works; Whether you focus on it or not, this works, and it’s pretty hard to dismiss as the results you get can be miraculous, fast and phenomenal once you start focusing on it with unwavering force.

What I am referring to is ‘Prosperity Consciousness’. Prosperity Consciousness ties in very well and is an aspect of the Law of Attraction. If you are not familiar with this law, in a nutshell, this is a universal law like the law of gravity in which it states that like attracts like. Simply put, the law of attraction says that whatever you think about the most you will attract into your life. Bob Proctor, an expert on the law of attraction for over 45 years, believes that “Everything that comes into your life you are attracting into your life…is what you are thinking. Everything that happens in your mind you are attracting to you.” There is much more to it than the brief explanation above, but I will explain it to you in more detail focusing only on Prosperity Consciousness to show you how you can attract more money into your life.

First of all, you need to understand what money is. Most of us see money as the paper we fold up and keep in our pockets or as numbers on a computer screen. That’s not money. That is your representation, it is not money. This rendering is just a piece or pieces of paper with ink or numbers on it on a computer screen. Money is much more than that. Money is an idea a concept. With it we have many more experiences and it allows us to grow spiritually and intellectually. Without it we experience experiences of lack and difficulty.

We are all so used to exchanging our services for money, the more valuable our service is, the more money we receive. We have limited our beliefs by thinking that we have to work hard for our money, which is not true. Money is an idea that you give energy to and attract from the thoughts you think in your head, as well as how you feel and your beliefs about money. Now, if this is the first time you’ve heard this, then many will think I’m talking nonsense. Trust me I’m not. Let me explain.

If you want more money in your life, first of all you must change the way you see money. For example, if you have these kinds of beliefs, ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees’, or ‘You have to work hard for your money’, or ‘Money doesn’t come easy’, these are negative thought patterns and will not attract money into your life. In fact, it will do the complete opposite. This thought pattern will hold you back and create a negative reality for you. If you are the type of person who always complains about not having enough money, then the law of attraction gives you what you think about the most, which is not having enough money. You need to think about the kind of thoughts that attract prosperity to you. Thoughts like “I have more than enough” or “I’m a money magnet.” We are what we think and being Prosperity Consciousness is the key to increasing your wealth.

Being aware of prosperity is not difficult. Start by changing your beliefs about money. Think thoughts of abundance and wealth. If you are serious about increasing your wealth, your predominant thoughts should be of wealth. Scientists now know and can prove that our thoughts carry frequencies, just like a radio signal carries frequencies. If we constantly have the same thoughts over and over again, these thoughts will manifest into our realities and we will attract more of what we are thinking. Just think about it for a second. Everything you have achieved in your life so far started with a thought or an idea you had. He then followed that thought or idea by acting on it until he created in his life what he once thought. The same goes for wealth. If you want more money in your life, you have to think positively about it and the law of attraction will give you more than you think.

You also have to feel good about money to attract more to you. Start by thinking, feeling, and believing: “I have more than enough money,” or “There’s a lot of money coming my way,” or “I’m a money magnet,” or “I love money and money loves me.” I can guarantee that everyone who has successfully accumulated wealth in their lives has good thoughts about money and never focuses on the lack of it. Remember, there is enough for everyone, there are unlimited amounts of wealth available to each and every one of us. It’s never going to end. How can an idea be that begins in our minds?

Hand in hand with positive thoughts about wealth and abundance are visualizations. Visualizations are a powerful way to put the thoughts in your mind into images. It is a way of meditating on what you want by creating the life you want in your mind through images. Did you know that visualizations are so powerful that when you visualize your desires in your mind, your brain cannot tell the difference between whether you have experienced them in real life or not? Let me give you an example. As an experiment, an athlete was hooked up to a computer to test the power of visualizations. He was asked to run his race in his mind as if he were actually running it on the track. The results were amazing. He showed that his brain responded the same way when he ran the race in his mind as it did when he ran the real race. I didn’t know the difference. That’s how powerful the brain is. Don’t underestimate it. We are only just beginning to realize our potential, and yet we still have a long way to go to fully understand it.

To bring together all that I have said, I need to explain one more thing. To get the ball rolling and a must to attract anything into your life is gratitude. Be thankful for what you already have. Be thankful every day for all the good things you have in your life. This will attract more of what you are grateful for to you. Remember that like attracts like. If you have negative thoughts, that is what you will attract the most into your life. If you have positive thoughts, that is what you will attract the most into your life. The choice is yours, but life is meant to be abundant for all of us and it’s no longer just for a select few who understood the law of attraction long before the secret was revealed. Be happy and joyful for who you are and what you have experienced so far in your life. It will be difficult to attract wealth into your life without these basic rules. Our thoughts create things, go ahead and make your wishes come true and be grateful every step of the way.

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