
The life of a puggle from a puppy mill and a puggle born into a loving home

Many people think that it doesn’t matter where a puppy comes from, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Unfortunately, because people think that if they’re not looking for a show dog or reliable working dogs, it’s not important where the pup lived before coming into their home. They simply think that what he counts is how they will be treated at home. Unfortunately, when you choose to ignore where the puppy or dog came from, you could be very disappointed when the dog doesn’t warm up to you or is terrified of a member of your family because he was afraid of particular people at the dog farm or puppy mill. from which they came.

Life of a Puggle from the puppy mill

A dog’s experience in its first few weeks of life is crucial to its development. Puppies born on a dog farm live in cages, rather than human company. They miss out on the essential companionship they need to develop an emotional connection with people.

Unfortunately, one of the experiences that they miss is that they have to leave their mother and their brothers or sisters too soon, so that they can be sold in the market during their “lovely” stage of life.

There are a number of behavioral problems that your puggle may have if he is born into this type of environment, one of which is house training. Why is this? Puggles born in cages live around feces and urine. They lose their natural instincts to keep their areas clean. In fact, many of these dogs have never even seen grass. They just aren’t conditioned to go to the bathroom anywhere other than their cages. Training at home feels almost impossible! It will take a lot of extra work to get the dog to finally come out and relieve himself.

Another behavioral problem that your dog may end up having is biting. Because his puggle has been shipped too early for marketing purposes, he misses the opportunity to learn bite inhibition from his mother. This must happen with his mother and his littermates.

A puggle born on a dog farm only knows life from the cage. He has not been surrounded by situations that everyday life will encounter. Therefore, these dogs will have a difficult time handling normal family situations, such as men, children, cats, and any other situation that occurs within a home. This leads to behavior problems and many times these puggles end up in rescue organizations as families just can’t break through the fear that these puppies or dogs experience.

The life of a Puggle born into a loving home

A puggle born into a loving home will benefit from the company of his mother and a loving family. They will be allowed to stay with her mother for as long as necessary to breastfeed and learn behaviors from their mother. This puppy will be housetrained and will be much easier to housetrain.

The most important benefit a puppy can receive from a loving family is the ability to handle the unexpected. These situations include children grabbing them, cats hissing at them, sibling rivalry, parents or children yelling at each other, and anything else that is “normal” in a family environment that is absolutely not the norm for a puppy puppy mill.

These puppies will be able to get used to an unfamiliar environment much faster and will be able to become members of another family much more easily. These puggles tend to stay with their families forever!

Dog Farm Breeders Verses Responsible Home Breeders

Dog farms raise animals for one purpose and one purpose only, to make a profit. A typical life for a dog raised in these conditions is one of waste, loneliness, anxiety and agony. The only way a person can profit from this “business” is at the dog’s expense. They must provide the minimum requirements to keep the dog alive and capable of reproducing for profit.

Where is humanity? What happened to sympathy? No matter how you spin it, these dogs are used for the sole purpose of human benefit. Those of you who do not actually breed dogs under these conditions, but have chosen to purchase a puppy born on a dog farm, are contributing to the cycle of suffering.

How are you contributing? When you see that puppy, you don’t see suffering. You just saw a cute little puppy that needs your love. The problem is that the pup’s mother is being abused and put through horrible conditions just to create the pup. When you buy a puppy from a puppy mill, you are assuring his mother more suffering.

Responsible breeders do not seek profit. There are usually a number of reasons why they will breed a puggle. Although they may make a little “extra” money in the process, they generally breed for the satisfaction of bringing a new family member into family life. They are more particular about the parents of the puggles. Genetics play an important role in a dog’s temperament, as well as in the first few weeks of life.

When you get your puppy from a responsible breeder, you can be sure that this is the best possible way to end up with a healthy puppy that will grow into a loyal, happy, healthy dog ​​that will become part of the family, rather than the a stranger looking in.

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