
The cleanest pets for your home

For their owners, pets are a source of companionship, comfort, and love. They become part of the family. Some are house pets and some live outside. When deciding to get a house pet, cleanliness should definitely be considered.

Someone will be responsible for keeping the pet and its area clean, so finding out which pets are the cleanest is one step in making a decision.


Not many people would argue with the fact that cats are clean. They bathe constantly and use a litter box for their bodily functions. Unless the cat refuses to be litter box trained, they make very clean pets.

The disadvantage of cats is hairballs and shedding. Hairballs are accumulations of hair that accumulate due to a cat’s constant bathing. Eventually the cat will regurgitate them, not a pretty and pretty gross place to clean up. Shedding isn’t gross, just a nuisance because it gets into clothes, furniture, and helps create dust clumps.

Another factor that plays against the cat is its curiosity. Cats are notoriously nosy and their ability to jump combined with their curiosity is a disaster waiting to happen. Knocked glasses off counters and overturned fish tanks are a few examples.


Dogs are messier than cats, that’s a fact. They are somewhat more difficult to train and must be taken outdoors frequently. This means that if left alone, there will be a chance for accidents to happen in the house.

Dogs have to be bathed and groomed; they are not able to groom themselves. If they don’t bathe, they can develop an odor that is not good for the house. Dogs also shed; even those that are labeled as no shedding will lose some hair.


Birds are not that messy per se. However, they do have to clean their cages, and some birds spit their sunflower seed husks out of the cage and onto the floor. They are a pretty good option for someone looking for a lower maintenance pet. Clean water and food and a cage cleaning on occasion.


Hamsters are cute but they make their cages dirty. Being nesters, they move things around the cage. They are not particular about where they eliminate, so the entire cage tends to smell if it is not cleaned often. They don’t require a lot of attention, but their cage does, at least weekly.


The cleanest pet for the home is probably the most unlikely option for most people. While there are many people who have them, snakes, like ball pythons, are not a favorite pet for most people. In fact, many people will not go near them. However, they require little attention, do not shed, and the minimal amount of body waste they carry is easy to clean.

beta fish

Along with the ball python, the Beta fish would be the other cleanest pet for the home. These fish do not require filtered aquariums so there is little cleaning involved. All they need is a bowl of water that is changed from time to time and some food daily.

The cleanest pets aren’t the pets most people will choose, but they do exist. Pets are like almost everything else, the more they need, the more they give back. No one can argue that having a pup snuggle next to you is close to having a Beta fish swimming next to you in a bowl.

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