
Sure Signs of Bad Parenting

Parenting is not an easy task and there is no manual one can peruse on how it should be done every step of the way. It should just flow naturally. However, there are times when the frustrations of life become so great that poor parenting creeps in slowly without warning. Although one may not perceive a certain trait as poor parenting, the effect it can have on a child can destroy her life forever. Since no parent wants to raise a child that they regret having as a parent, it is important to watch out for signs of poor parenting and correct them as soon as they appear.

Abandonment is one of the most common signs of poor parenting. Perhaps you are too busy at work to have time to spend with your child/children. Or maybe you just never liked children. Maybe you think they are too boring! Whatever the reason, there should be no excuse for neglecting a child. Physical presence should be maintained and as much attention given to children as necessary. The only way to ensure that a child grows up to be a social being is to spend time with him or her. This also helps build trust between parent and child. Avoiding spending time with a child, regardless of the reason, is the number one step to completely neglecting them emotionally, financially, and mentally. This is the number one cause of leaks and no parent would want that.

Not sufficiently disciplining your children is another major sign of poor parenting. It is not uncommon for children to be mischievous, but this should never be allowed to go too far. Do you feel like you can only have guests in your home after your kids’ bedtime? Are you in and out of school solving your child’s misconduct cases? Then it’s about time you looked at your parenting because something is absolutely wrong.

Well-bred children should be able to coexist with other people without causing trouble. It is the role of a father to explain to his children what is right and what is wrong and correct them when they are wrong. The lack of these teachings and corrections is poor parenting and this is what leads to unruly behavior.

Physical abuse is the surest sign of poor parenting. As much as children can make mistakes, physical abuse is not a way to correct them, no matter how much anger the action provokes in a parent. Parents should always take their time to listen to their children’s explanations instead of jumping to conclusions and hitting them. A spanking will make a child hate you instead of respecting you as a parent. If you find yourself hitting your child in anyway, even on the verge of anger, it’s time to step back and correct your parenting behavior.

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