
Proform Elliptical Trainer Reviews – Once You Get A Proform, You Never Go Back

Proform ellipticals are made by Icon Health and Fitness, the same company that makes fitness equipment for brands like NordicTrack, FreeMotion Fitness, Weider, and HealthRider. In fact, the company is a multi-billion dollar business and a formidable force in the fitness equipment industry.

Price and Guarantee

Proform elliptical machines are generally considered to be in the mid-range of fitness equipment. Prices range from $500 to $1,000, although some online sites offer discounts. For example, the Stride Select retails for the discounted price of $499, while the Proform 880 trainer retails for $800, not including shipping and handling.

On the downside, many reviews point to the relatively short warranties offered by the manufacturer. Generally speaking, the elliptical is only warranted for a maximum of 90 days against defects, materials and workmanship, of which the Proform 1280 is one.

Therefore, Proform offers affordable fitness equipment, although the warranty is not something to be happy about.

Features and Benefits

As you would expect with a wide range of elliptical equipment, the features vary between models and so do the benefits. However, keep in mind that all these machines will always provide the most important benefit: aerobic and cardiovascular exercises.

Many reviewers also point to our other fitness equipment benefits, including full-body workouts, better body posture, toned glutes and thighs along with cross-training benefits. For example, the Proform 1280 has a tilt feature that allows users to cross the train.

And speaking of features, many Proform ellipticals have the following common features:

or Reflex Step Technology, which is the company’s term for the articulated foot plate. On the Proform 880 and Proform 1080S, this is simply a curved pedal that flexes with every step you take.

o Silent Magnetic Resistance that uses a magnetic pull mechanism to create resistance. Supposedly it contributes to a quiet workout.

o EKGT grip pulse sensors that monitor heart rate on contact.

o Pedal positions that allow you to customize your workout.

o Motorized brake system

o Integrated training

o CD players and speakers

This Proform elliptical review will recognize that the equipment has many features. This must explain the popularity of the product despite consumer concerns about safety and durability.

Main strengths and weaknesses

On one hand, the main strengths of the Proform elliptical are its affordability, entertainment options, and overall popularity. Take the Proform 1080S, for example, with its built-in CD player at an affordable price of $750.

On the other hand, the main weaknesses center around the average, sometimes even below-average, reliability and quality ratings of virtually all Proform elliptical trainers. In fact, Consumer Reports claims that Proform elliptical machines and treadmills had problems from the get-go.

In conclusion, this Proform elliptical review gives an average rating for fitness equipment. Users can afford the feature-rich machines, but have to deal with the very short warranty and sub-sterling quality.

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