
Just a house or a real honest home?

After traveling a bit, it’s easy to conclude that there are places other than my hometown where it would be great to live. What really makes the difference between a house being a home or simply a place to rest?

I say that it is in the “feel of things”, purely and simply. Huh, you say? Yes, the feeling of things. Trying on a new shirt, you first try to decide: does it feel good, is the price reasonable, do I look good, and does it fit? You know, the feel of things!

When entering a neighborhood, remember that location, to the third power, is key in real estate. Yes, location, location, location is the ticket! A house is much easier to sell later when it’s time to “right size” it once again.

When you drive up to a property, carefully consider how the house fits into your idea of ​​what’s cool, and also see if you can cook better in this kitchen than in your current one. Those are things that make the difference. The neighborhood should fit your perception of “hey, now that’s the way to live!”

Some like to live in a country club for the availability of golf, tennis, swimming, or socializing. I may prefer more a rural or urban environment. Everyone likes something a little different when it comes to the “feel of things,” and no one’s opinion is wrong. Actually, this is one of those times where everyone’s opinion is correct!

Yes it’s correct. Other people play an important role in where you might choose to live. You know the smile and wave of a neighbor as you drive, or the quick stop and chatter on the trail as your respective pups “get the news.” These are all important things and are elements in the attractiveness of a neighborhood. Who is going to live with you in this new home has to make a big difference in whether it is just a house or a real home too!

Driving up to a prospective home, did you know that 80% of a buyer’s decision to look inside the home (or not) is decided by the first impression they get of the curb appeal? Today, when buyers first see home photos online, they may simply make the “external appeal decision” online without even driving to the property. However, keep in mind that photos do not always give credit to a property, or sometimes make it look better than it really is. It is best to “go see” if the house “possibly looks good”.

One real estate professional reports that one can expect to find a home that meets approximately 85% of their requirements. The new owner must take on the remaining demands to make the house an amazing home. Of course, that is unless you are building a super cool custom home that 100% meets your dreams and expectations.

When you call your real estate agent to “come see” and if your beloved children are going to live there with you, bring them so they can be a part of it all. You know the old adage, from the “mouth of babies” wisdom can flow and it can prevent you from missing out on something important. Forgo taking Fido with you, as he’s tough on someone else’s floors and probably qualified to decide where his dog house goes anyway.

I prefer high ceilings, glass and views, and a quiet and peaceful environment in a house (shower views). Some like to live “where the action is!”, downtown, in the middle of the Spectacular Zone.

What elements make a home a home for you is the real question, as we are all different. I guess like me it boils down to being a matter of what you like best.

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