
How to get rid of scuff marks

Removal of scuff marks from hard floors

If you have hard floors anywhere in your house, you probably have some scuff marks. These scuff marks are the remains of plastic or hard rubber items that have been crushed into the floor surface, usually as a result of shoes with dark soles or the rubber feet of chairs, walkers, or stepladders. At first glance, cleaning these things may seem like a real pain in the ass, but with the right strategy, they really are quite easy.

Before trying any of the following methods, consult the care instructions for your particular type of flooring to ensure it does not damage or discolor.

Rubber to Rubber Fight

If the scratch is small and light, and the floor isn’t too porous, you may be able to remove it with a regular rubber pencil eraser.

For scratches that stand up to regular erasers, there are commercial “scratch erasers” available, which are basically regular erasers made of a harder rubber, but there’s no need to buy one of these as long as you have a pair of slippers. tennis over there. Take an old tennis shoe and then while applying as much force as possible press and twist the sole of the shoe into the wear.

Cleaners and Solvents

If grinding the sole of an old tennis shoe into the scratch still doesn’t remove it, there are plenty of chemical alternatives that should do it for you:

* Baking Soda Scrub: Make a paste with baking soda and water and use it to scrub away chafing.

* GooGone: Products like GooGone and adhesive removers will break down the gum, making it easier to clean. Be careful when using products like this on granite and hardwood floors.

* Lighter Fluid: Rub with a clean white towel dampened with a little naphtha (lighter fluid).

*Toothpaste: Oddly enough, rubbing with toothpaste can also do the trick.

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