
How a combination of multiple male orgasms and squirting can give you the sex you dream of

Guess what guys, showing off is cool again! Women have not been content with monotonous and boring sex since the 18th century. Instead, today’s girls like to brag to each other about all the sexual things they’ve tried. We live in a generation where not only is our imagination expanding with all the sex around us, but now we can also live the sex life we ​​dream of. One of the first steps to living this dream is to master control of the orgasm, both yours and hers.

Orgasm control for guys

For men, orgasm control consists of two things: understanding the various levels of arousal that lead to orgasm, and being able to delay ejaculation.

The first part consists of focusing on your arousal process and always looking to get as close as possible to your PNR (This is the Point of No Return, that is, the point where once it has been reached you will have an orgasm, whatever you want). or not) as possible without orgasm. Guys should constantly try to improve the number of times they can get close to the PNR without reaching orgasm. Once you can do this 10 or more times, you will have excellent control over your orgasms.

Also, Kegel exercises for sexual stamina make a big difference. It’s like weight training for your penis, and just like real-life training, it changes the way she views sex with you. To practice one repetition of the Kegel exercise. just practice squeezing the urethra closed as many times as possible in one minute. While this will feel weird at first, you’ll soon get used to it and then you can have more fun squeezing them as hard as you can into orgasm will extend the amount of time you spend after PNR. If you really master the exercise, you can have multiple male orgasms.

controlling her orgasm

The squirting orgasm has many uses, the most important of which is that it allows you to practice all the other sexual techniques you know. To give her an orgasm, you not only need to have good arm, finger, and wrist movements, but you also need to be able to guide her through the orgasm with your voice.

Arm movements have often been described as a “come here” motion. This can be a useful image if you can imagine yourself beckoning someone forward with your whole arm instead of just your fingers. In addition to a “come hither” motion, suggest something slow, and while you want to start slowly, you’ll pick up speed quickly. Once you have her almost to the point of orgasm, you should use your voice to tell her to relax and push. This is because many women confuse the sensation of a squirting orgasm with urinating and may mentally avoid having an orgasm.

The best part is that all of these individual techniques can be used to enhance any type of sex, as they all transfer. Talking is always helpful during sex, knowing where your G-spot is makes sex better, and of course mastering finger movement is good for G-spot orgasms.

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