
Feline AIDS: one thing to do with a dead cat

In April of last year, my beautiful male Ninja cat started acting like he was upset. He developed a fever, which shot up very sharply and suddenly. He became extremely lethargic.

We seek the help of a veterinarian in a nearby city. Ninja was diagnosed with feline AIDS and a systemic infection from a tick bite. It was a very sick kitten. The vet didn’t think he would make it, because the feline disease AIDS wrecks the immune system, just as AIDS does in humans. The Dr. began aggressive antibiotic therapy and intravenous hydration to reduce the cat’s fever and prevent further dehydration. Something else very unusual for a cat began to appear, polyarthritic joints throughout its body. Ninja could barely move and when he moved, he cried in pain.

When the fever subsided and fluids were replenished, he was sent home with a referral to the Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine in Fort Collins, Colorado, 130 miles from our home. I didn’t think Ninja would survive the car ride.

CSU doctors gave him new antibiotics, lots of tests, and steroids, all in hopes of easing his feline AIDS symptoms. Three weeks later, we had completed the best course of treatments that veterinary medicine could offer. There was no improvement.

I decided to do something drastic for my beloved cat. I started forcing him to swallow one capsule, 500 milligrams of Apple Poly twice a day. Apple Poly has shown some remarkable results in laboratory animal studies, and I was not hopeful with any of the animal doctors. It seems that feline aids are a death sentence for your cat. Ninja had been so ill that he had gone from a 14 pound cat to a 7 pound cat. 500 milligrams twice a day for such a fragile animal is a huge dose. I was wondering if Apple Poly would help or harm, I didn’t know.

At first, nothing happened. He seemed to be in the same condition, he was still force-feeding him with a dropper just to keep him alive. I was relieved to see that I had no apparent adverse reaction to the Apple Poly capsules, so I continued to administer the nutritional antioxidant for the next three weeks.

After 21 days of supplementing with just Apple Poly, he suddenly seemed more alive. His eyes lit up and he was able to stand up without meowing in pain. After 35 to 40 days of taking the supplement, her appetite increased, she began to gain some of the weight she had lost, and the joint pain disappeared. All symptoms of the feline AIDS disease have disappeared.

I continue to supplement her diet with Apple Poly, however the dosage is much lower, half a capsule, or 250 milligrams a day, mixed with her food. (He got so strong that I couldn’t force him to swallow a capsule, the fur was flying and the claws were flashing)

Continue to acquire new muscles. At its worst it looked like a black bath mat with eyes, now it misbehaves, like all my black cats. You feel certain urges and they will not deny you. Scratching the furniture and trying to make kittens out of the neighborhood females is his exercise. We are so happy to have our cat back in the “Land of the Living”, even if it does something “Bad Kitty” from time to time.

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