
Does the smart warrior subliminal video series work or is it another scam?

Even though subliminal messages have been around for a long time, it hasn’t been until recently that they have been placed in a positive and controlled environment for people who want to achieve their goals, but have trouble getting there.

The Smart Warrior Subliminal Video Series is a 7-part program that addresses almost every aspect of human character that most people want to improve. That’s probably why they have a 99% success rate.

We’ll talk about how they get to that number in a bit, but let’s dive into the program so you understand how it works.

If you’re new to the power of subliminal messages, you probably haven’t come across this article. Traditionally, this type of Subconscious Mind Power program was delivered via audio. The listener would hear the waves crashing, the sound of a water fountain, a rain forest, or some other soothing sound. Then in the background were these undetectable positive affirmations. The idea is that if you can’t consciously hear them, you can’t oppose them and these positive statements go directly into your subconscious where only true change happens.

Some of these products worked, while others did not. Enter the Subliminal Messages Video. Now you can receive life-changing affirmations of power, wealth, success, health and confidence, just like those famous statements that appeared at a New Jersey drive-in in the 1950s. Más Palomitas” were responsible for record sales in concessions. Ultimately, the owner was banned from displaying them, and the United States government decided that this kind of persuasion was so powerful that they banned their advertising.

But new technology brought to us by Nelson Berry, the owner of Intelligent Warrior subliminal videos, has brought us a new method of delivering subliminal statements. Nelson has over 20 years of experience in this ever-changing industry. He is constantly creating new subliminal products, but perhaps his flagship is the smart warrior series.

You must commit to watching these 7 subliminal videos with beautiful and motivating images for at least 5 minutes a day (35 minutes total) for them to work.

1. The Intelligent Warrior, this sets you up for the rest of the series, a kick to success. Most people notice a change within the first 10 seconds of this video.

2. The superior technique: you learn that you are in control of what you want

3. Achieve Your Social Potential: Start Looking At Everyone In A Whole New Way

4. Aggressive Demonstration: You Are Always In The Right Place At The Right Time

5. Unstoppable confidence. Suddenly, everyone is impressed with you.

6. Social Domain For Men And Women: All The Relationships In Your Life Are Finally On Track

7. How to manifest money, power, sex and love in 10 hours — Now every day is the opportunity of a lifetime.

The Smart Warrior Subliminal Video Series leaves absolutely nothing to chance. And how do they brag about their 99% success rate?

For this type of product Nelson has a very generous 8 week warranty. “If you don’t see 10 times more in useful value than what you used to make this small purchase, you’ll get back every penny you’ve entrusted to Nelson. Nelson has a 1% return rate on their product. Which is verifiable through of your Payment Processor.That’s why the Smart Warrior can Claim that 99% success rate.

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