Burn cellulite and fat from your buttocks

I’m going to show you a simple technique that you can use to burn body fat at a super fast rate, this technique is so powerful and yet so simple, you don’t even need a gym to get the powerful metabolism boosting effects! In this exercise you will need a treadmill. If you don’t have a treadmill, you can also […]

HIT training frequency

An often misunderstood ingredient in a bodybuilder’s training program is the correct dose of exercise needed for optimal muscle growth. In other words, the question of the number of sets and repetitions and how often to train. The temptation is to follow the belief that more is better… if “x” number of sets and reps are working, then more will […]

Beat diet stalls with fat burners

Everyone hits a plateau at some point in their diet. You hit a plateau level and you don’t see any more results. You’re doing everything you need to do, but your weight stays the same and you feel like you’re spinning the wheels. This is when people start to get obsessive, angry, or feel like they’re never going to achieve […]

The dangers of fast food

The fast food industry has added every possible chemical they can legally get away with to get people addicted to their food. In fact, if you eat fast food and stop eating it, you actually experience withdrawal symptoms. It’s like a drug. Not only that, condoms are so high in these fast food burgers these days that the product doesn’t […]

15 tips for sticking with your exercise program

You’ve decided to start an exercise program and that’s great. Unfortunately, more than half of all people who start an exercise regimen quit within the first six months. It’s not easy to develop a successful exercise program that you stick to for the rest of your life. However, there are steps we can take to increase our enthusiasm and facilitate […]

High reps build muscle big time!

If you were to ask a million bodybuilders/weight trainers, or read thousands of articles on “building muscle”, or read almost every book that has ever been written on the fastest way for natural trainers to gain weight fast ( quality weight, of course), 99% of them will tell you that lower reps during sets, 10 reps or less, will build […]

What to do when antibiotics fail to treat acne

Some call it the “acne antibiotic game.” Tetracycline comes first, then doxycycline, and finally your doctor recommends erythromycin. But what do you do when these common antibiotics fail to control acne breakouts? Well, usually your dermatologist might suggest isotretinoin, the best prescription medication for acne. But why is isotretinoin the ultimate pharmaceutical answer for acne? This is probably because excessive […]

HIIT Benefits for Chiropractic Patients

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been shown to be one of the most effective exercise programs for weight loss. But can it also help the chiropractic patient? What is HIIT? HIIT is an exercise program that incorporates short bursts of intense exercise followed by slow exercise. Because it is so effective, people often see better results in much less time. […]