Lifestyle Fashion

Candida Treatment

candida treatment It largely depends on where exactly the yeast infection is located. For example, treatment for someone with an oral yeast infection (thrush) is likely to be different from the type of treatment that would be effective for vaginal or penile yeast infections. The same goes for skin yeast or breast yeast – treatment depends on location. Regardless of treatment methods, the cause of candida yeast has a common thread, no matter where it is found. This article will describe some effective candida treatment remedies for various types of yeast infection.

Before you start treating candida, make sure you do have a yeast infection. Typical symptoms of candida include an itchy, burning painful rash along with discharge and possible sores and blisters.

Treatment of candidiasis in the vagina or penis When you have a vaginal or penile yeast infection, it shares some common symptoms. Most likely, you both have a bumpy rash with a few sores and/or blisters. Both of you will likely have some sort of creamy cottage cheese discharge, either from the vagina or from the head of the penis. And in severe cases, the sores and lesions sometimes bleed. The most effective candida remedies in these cases are topical treatments. A doctor can prescribe some antifungal creams or ointments to get rid of the yeast. Some men and women may opt for more natural remedies, such as topical treatments with tea tree oil, yogurt, or apple cider vinegar, which are generally not as strong as the ingredients in prescription or over-the-counter antifungal products.

Treatment for candida in the mouth. Since yeast in the mouth is in an internal location that topical treatments cannot use, special care must be taken to cure yeast infection. Doctors will most likely prescribe an oral antifungal that may be effective, or for more natural options, creating an apple cider vinegar mouthwash or consuming unsweetened plain yogurt may also be effective. Be especially careful that yogurt does not contain sugary ingredients, as excess sugar in the body is another cause of yeast infections.

Treatments for candidiasis of the skin, breast or diaper When treating yeast-affected skin, topical yogurt treatments are often the best option, as they have the least severe effect of any of the natural remedies. Special care should be taken when treating a baby’s skin or breast nipples, as they are quite sensitive to any harsh topical treatment.

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