Tours Travel

Behind every successful man, there is a tomorrow.

We have heard that behind every successful man, there is a woman. But then some claim that behind every unsuccessful man there is also a woman. This is a debatable topic, but I am here to tell you something that is indisputably behind every successful man. It’s how they start their mornings that makes them different from everyone else. Here is a list of things that most people do in the morning, but the successful ones don’t.

1. Check their phones

The moment the alarm goes off, which nowadays is unfortunately your phone, the first thing you do is start checking your phone for new notifications, messages, emails, updates, or other things that may seem important but aren’t really that important. Checking your phone first thing in the morning is tempting, but just think about what it does to your brain. When you start your day, the best thing you can do for your brain is to keep it cool and relaxed so that it’s prepared to handle the upcoming processing requirements of the day. But what you do is kick your brain into overdrive the moment you wake up by bombarding it with information from your phone. Unconsciously you start to feel overwhelmed. Not only does it stress your brain, but it also creates a negative mood before you even start your day because the information you receive every day from your phones is usually not that joyous. Thus, it becomes difficult for you to focus on your priorities and goals.

It is best to leave your phone or any other source of information like the TV alone, sit back and enjoy your tea or coffee while you think and prepare for the rest of the day. Trust me, you will be much more productive this way.

2. Skip breakfast

Most of the time, it has a lot to do with how much time you have in a day. To manage things, it seems like a convenient option to skip breakfast. But the problem is that, as convenient as it may seem, it does more damage to you than you can imagine. It is not just a phrase when we say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is a fact that has been repeatedly proven through scientific research. Just think about it. Your body has been without food for several hours after dinner. If you skip breakfast, you deprive yourself of food for more than 12 hours straight. As a result, your blood sugar begins to plummet and continues to do so until you eat. Eventually it causes dizziness, chills and tiredness. You can imagine how difficult it is for the brain to concentrate in such conditions. You become less aware and alert than you should because your brain needs glucose (sugar) to process information.

Eating a healthy breakfast not only keeps you energized throughout the day, but also improves your overall mood. So believe it or not, behind a successful person’s ability to handle everything that comes their way during the day, lies a healthy breakfast.

3. Do everything in random order

How many of us grab a pencil and paper in the morning and make a list of things that need to be done during the day in order of priority? Very few I suppose. This is what makes those very few people more successful than the rest. Planning your day may seem like an extra thing to do in the morning, but it will make your whole day easier and more productive. If you’re not the type of person who tends to keep a pen and paper handy, you can do that too using an app like OneNote on your phone (though not right after you wake up).

Prioritizing all the tasks in your day prepares you mentally and makes it easier to divide your time according to the importance of the task. It also helps you keep track of your progress at any time of the day and makes it less likely that you’ll miss something important and worry later. A planned day can easily make the difference between succeeding in whatever field you find yourself in and still struggling to make ends meet.

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