Lifestyle Fashion

Avoid fertility drugs to conceive twins

Many women want to find ways that they can increase their chances of getting pregnant with twins. There are definitely some things that can be done to improve the chances. The key is to realize that there is no way to guarantee a multiple pregnancy. So first take a look at the way twins are conceived.

Fraternal twins are conceived when two separate eggs are fertilized. Identical twins are conceived when a fertilized egg divides just after fertilization. Identical twins are much rarer than fraternal twins. So how can you naturally get pregnant with twins?

Family history

Having a family history of twins is one of the best ways to get pregnant with twins naturally. If there are twins in your family, then you have a higher chance of getting pregnant with twins. Genetics play an important role in this.

Produce more eggs

Producing more eggs when you ovulate is another way to conceive twins naturally. So how do you do this? The best thing to do is discuss your options with your doctor.

Age and ethnic factors

Caucasian and Asian women are much less likely to get pregnant with twins. African American women have the highest chance of getting pregnant with twins.

Height and weight factors

Women who are overweight or taller are more likely to become pregnant with twins. It doesn’t really have much to say when it comes to their height, but it is really not recommended that women gain weight simply to improve their chances of a twin pregnancy.

Methods to conceive twins naturally

Folic acid can help improve your chances of getting pregnant with twins. Most of the time, women who have had a multiple pregnancy in the past will be less likely to have another multiple pregnancy. Regardless of the method you use, it is important to stimulate hyperovulation. This can be achieved through the use of folic acid supplements. However, it doesn’t drastically increase the odds.


No matter what you do to improve your chances of having twins, there are no guarantees. It really is not up to you whether or not you have twins. If you really want twins, then perhaps you should consider adoption. Definitely avoid taking fertility drugs to help you have twins as this can lead to many problems with pregnancy and can even lead to multiple births of 3, 4, 5 or more babies at the same time. This can be very risky.

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