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Will the end of DACA burst our academic bubble?

Maybe it’s a good thing that the academic bubble is about to burst. After all, our colleges and universities seem to have lost their way, teaching gender studies, minority (majority) studies, leftist views, and the endless politically correct mission of sustainability, equality, and socialism. Will the removal of DACA – Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals be the straw that breaks the camel’s back in academia? It very well could be. Let’s talk.

There was an interesting article on NPR worth listening to titled: “California State University Chancellor Raises Concerns About Ending DACA,” part of the ‘All Things Considered’ spot (4 minutes, 14 seconds long). The article aired on September 6, 2017. During the interview, California State University System Chancellor Timothy White stated:

“Well, it would cause several thousand of our students and several hundred of our employees to lose the status that DACA has provided. And for some, that would mean they would drop out of school out of fear. For others, it would mean they wouldn’t be able to get a job or have the kind of ability to function in society once they get their college degree. So we’re deeply disappointed in the president’s action and we’re working hard with, now, our members of Congress to create legislation to reverse this.”

Personally, I’ll bet it’s much higher than that, I’ll bet it’s at least 5,000 students with 500 university employees. First, why is the University hiring illegal aliens before US citizens? Second, are these 5,000 students borrowing money (student loans) for their overpriced tuition? You know, college is FREE in Mexico, but I guess if they don’t repay student loans here it’s also FREE, just for them, since all citizen college students can’t get out of their student loans ever, or those on VISA’s student have to pay exorbitant college tuition fees up front, often 3 times the normal fees. Next is this problem with the Cal Grant program: who do you think pays for it?

Meanwhile, most university professors’ pension funds across the country are in trouble (underfunded) and their salary continues to rise, and universities continue to hire more administrators for their already bureaucratic and tedious brainwashing institutions. .

Now you might ask yourself, why the hell does this author (me) care? Well, I am a taxpayer. And, I understand the social safety net issues, but our taxes are paid by American citizens for our benefits, not for redistribution to people who are in our country illegally. Yes, I understand the debate; “It’s not their fault, their parents brought them here at a young age, and this is the only country they know.” Got it, but that’s not my fault, nor should it be my problem just because I’m a white male.

It seems that we are now in a Catch-22. You see, if we send all DACA students back, they will default on their student loans and finish their education in Mexico, where it is free, which could be enough to trigger a bubble burst in the student loan market causing a severe decrease. enrollment since no one will be able to get a student loan in the future; citizen or not. Fewer students means tuition revenues will decline, staff and faculty layoffs will cause poor education, larger classrooms, and the bankruptcy of many university systems across the country. And mind you, the academic bubble will eventually burst since it’s “unsustainable” anyway, but this may speed up the time to jump off that cliff.

It is a pity that the academy has been hijacked by the political forces of the left, now it is time for the pendulum to swing back to normal. Maybe it’s going to be a huge blow to the system to force some common sense into the university system, maybe this reversal of DACA could be the event that pivots toward a more reality-based place of higher education?

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