Arts Entertainments

Where do bed bugs hide in your home?

Remember the old saying “don’t let the bed bugs bite”? Did you ever wonder where they came from? These insects may be visible to the naked eye, but are rarely seen in well-lit areas. This is because they are used to being active in dark and humid places. They are usually active during the night hours, especially before dawn. During the day, these cowards find places to hide because they instinctively flee when exposed to light. There are many places where they can hide as long as they are areas where there is little or no light.

So where are they hiding?

Many of them, including mature adults and baby nymphs, can be found in the creases or crevices of furniture. They can also be found in the plastic corner of a box spring, in mattress seams, and behind headboards. They hide in your sofa, luggage, and even books! Look behind the photos and paintings hanging on the walls. They can also live in furniture that would be thrown away or left out in the open. Furniture that is wet from precipitation can attract these insects, as they also live in humid places. No need to find bed bugs. Due to their flat and small bodies, they can be found in even the smallest crevices in your home.

One solution to the problem of infestation is to call in a professional exterminator. Experienced exterminators know where these pests are hiding and will conduct an “inspection” to verify their presence. While some extermination services can be expensive, it may be the only way to ensure that your residence is free from a terrible infestation.

Some household chemicals can also be used to kill bed bugs, but they can cause adverse health effects if used incorrectly. The key to getting rid of these errors is knowing where they are hiding. If you are having a hard time finding any of them, consider hiring a K9 dog specifically trained to sniff out these pesky insects. Perhaps the most effective approach is to have a dog point out all the hiding places, so that they can be properly treated forever.

Bed bugs are professionals when it comes to finding a hiding place. When seen, they move fast. Better to catch them quickly when you are in a dark place with a flashlight. While it may not be the best idea to be awake at this time of day, the peak time of activity for them is during the hours before sunrise.

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