
When was the first car invented?

It is very difficult to single out one person for car manufacturing. This invention of the automobile took more than four centuries to complete and was a collective effort of numerous people. It’s simply impossible to imagine our lives without these four-wheelers, but did you know that the first car ever invented was actually a three-wheeler?

A Flemish Jesuit missionary, Ferdinand Verbiest, traveled to China, made the first steam-powered toy car, and presented it to the Emperor of China in 1672.

A French engineer, Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot, came up with the idea of ​​making automobiles to travel from one place to another. He made automobiles for the French army in 1769. Steam was used to power these vehicles. It could not be used for long-distance travel and had to stop every 15 minutes. This small space would allow steam to build up inside the engine.

Oliver Evans is credited for inventing automobiles in America. He manufactured the first electric motor in the year 1789. Later, Gustave Trove invented electric cars in 1881. This car, however, was not a great success due to its high maintenance costs and extremely high manufacturing costs.

The famous Mercedes Benz was a great revolution in the automobile industry. Karl Benz, in 1885, manufactured the first automobile with an internal combustion engine, a model that would lead to several important innovations in the field of the automobile industry. These days, numerous car models, designs, and types have been produced by countless companies for all walks of life.

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