
Toddler Milestones: Is your 19-21 month old on the right track?

There are many factors that contribute to what your toddler can and cannot do at this time. Some children are simply more physically developed while others are more developed in the area of ​​language. Of course there are young children who seem to do it and know everything! This guide will help you determine which toddler milestones to look for in your toddler and which ones to look forward to in the months ahead.

Toddler Milestones: Month 19

o Create sentences or short sentences instead of using one-word sentences

o Can use a fork or spoon (most young children will use a fork first)

o Imitate adult actions such as cooking or driving

o Stack and sort blocks and toys

Toddler Milestones: Month 20

o Use around 50 words to express themselves

o Use simple phrases like “There you go” or “Come on mom!”

o Can undress and possibly dress alone

o You will learn new words quickly

o Play ball but probably won’t be able to catch

o Interested in opening closet and exterior doors

Toddler Milestones: Month 21

o Name parts of the body such as hair, elbow and nose

o Go up and down stairs (always help your toddler up the stairs!)

o Recognize and name people or pets in images or in their presence

o Forming more and more sentences to express wants and needs.

o He is becoming aware of the potty and is able to control his bladder in some cases.

If your child is not meeting these toddler milestones on time, remember that their development is not on schedule. This is simply a guide that represents what an average child of this age can do. You may notice that these developmental milestones occur more quickly or slowly in your own children. If you are concerned about your young child’s development, contact your pediatrician.

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