Tours Travel

The In-Hand Trail – Obstacle by Obstacle

The trail-in-hand is a relatively new class that has been added to many breed associations and some open shows as well. It is a class that, as the name suggests, allows you to guide your horse through obstacles on the trail. This class is usually open to year-olds and 2-year-olds not yet showing in the saddle. The obstacles are generally the same as for the standard trail classes, with the exception of the drop-offs.

I think the trail in hand is a great addition to any horse’s show and training and is a great way to start teaching your horse how to maneuver obstacles. It gives young horses an extra area to focus on that isn’t as hard on their legs as resting and teaches them to work with their lead. Not only does it prepare your horse for the usual under-saddle trail classes, but it’s also a great way to start teaching showmanship!

The trail-in-hand class typically includes the following obstacles: a gate, steps and jogs, return steps, side passes, a mailbox or raincoat, a bridge, turning into a box, and walking and/or jogging through and around. cones. The course can include all or just some of these obstacles, and generally the bigger the show, the more and more difficult the obstacles! Let’s go through these obstacles one at a time and see what needs to be done and the best way to do it.

The door:

Most shows now use a rope door instead of a true wooden door. This is usually done with 2 jumping standards set about 6 feet apart with a thick rope tied to one side and looped over the other. In the most basic form, the handler must lead the horse to the side of the gate, lift the end of the lasso, guide the horse through the gate (the opening between the jumping banners), and reattach the end of the lasso to close the door. While he is doing this, the horse should stand calmly and willingly walk forward when prompted.

The best performance of this obstacle is achieved when the horse moves into the exact positions it would be in if someone behind it opened the gate. This means that he must stop parallel to the door, with just enough distance so that the guide does not crowd. After being led through the gate opening, the driver must back the horse so that it is again parallel to the gate and its forehead is level with the point where the lasso is hooked.


These consist of 3 or more ground poles that are placed a set distance apart (2 feet for bridges, 3 feet for bridges). The horse should pass without hitting any of the posts with his feet, and ideally should place each foot halfway between the post he is stepping on and the next post in line. The hardest part for some guides is the fact that they shouldn’t go over the posts with their horse! The handler must be able to walk along the side of the posts as the horse moves over the center of the posts. This requires a lot of practice. At home, the handler should gradually work up to this, moving away each time he practices his steps/trots. I find that teaching a horse to rest well helps make the horse comfortable working further away from you.

This obstacle is truly a “practice makes perfect” situation! Most horses will learn to lift their feet after hitting a few logs. Once your horse is good at not hitting any posts, you can try lifting him slightly off the ground. If you can easily climb over 4-6″ raised poles, you’ll have no problem climbing over flat poles at shows!

Steps back:

Back steps in shows can be configured straight, L-shaped, T-shaped, or zigzag. Back steps can also consist of a triangle of cones or barrels that the horse has to back up between or around. The horse must travel evenly spaced between the obstacle, turning when prompted by the handler. This is an obstacle best taken in stride!

Begin your work by simply asking your horse to back up in a straight line. Don’t worry about the ground posts or cones, just teach the horse to back off on demand, without resistance. Drive until back in a straight line between 2 ground poles. Build from there, but don’t rush. Patience is key! If you get mad at your horse for not doing it right, he’ll remember it and start giving you trouble every time you stop.

Side pass:

Side passes seem to be the toughest hurdle for most people. At a show you may be asked to side pass in any direction and it may not be just 1 straight pole you have to pass. Sidestep obstacles can be set to L or V where the handler must turn the horse on the haunches or to the right at the corner. The best handler won’t even need to touch the horse to make it pass correctly, even over these tricky obstacles!

On most horses, you can begin to teach the lateral pass by holding the leash tight (to prevent forward movement) and pushing the horse into the side (right where the heel or spur would go if you were riding) until it snaps. small step to the side. Every time he walks away you must release the pressure on his side, this is his reward! Again, practice, practice, practice! Eventually, you’ll be able to just reach out to him, next to him, and he’ll start to walk past you.

Mailbox or Raincoat:

This is a fairly simple obstacle, but it requires the horse to stand calmly and trust you. If you find a mailbox in your trail pattern, you should walk (or jog according to the pattern) your horse to the mailbox and stop with the horse with its barrel about a foot from the mailbox. The controller then opens the mailbox, removes the envelope and holds it up for the judge to see, then puts it back. A raincoat is made in much the same way. Halt the horse next to the raincoat (which will probably be hanging on a pole bending pole or similar sturdy item), remove it and place it on the horse’s back, and then replace the raincoat in its original position.

To prepare for these obstacles, your horse must stand calmly when prompted and must be impervious to your movement around it. I always over prepare my horses for these things. At home, I grab the mail and raise my arm very quickly or slam the mailbox open and shut. I do the same with the raincoat working to the point where I can throw the raincoat over the horse and even pull it over my horse’s head! Of course, you won’t be doing this in the ring, but it’s always better to be overly prepared. That way, nothing will disturb your horse when it’s in the ring.

The bridge:

The bridge is the obstacle on the trail that is most seen in the photographs and is known to all. However, when a trail is shown in hand, the guide is not supposed to cross the bridge with his horse! As he walks across the bridge, the horse must travel in a straight line and centered on the bridge. He should not appear nervous or try to cross quickly but the horse is allowed to sniff the bridge and/or lower his head as he crosses.

Although many shows have heavy arched bridges, you can start by placing a piece of plywood on the ground. This requires gradual work, and it can take hours to get your horse across an entire bridge calmly, but it’s well worth the effort. Doing this work will make your horse more comfortable walking on strange footings when attending shows, such as gratings, metal areas, or arena entrances/exits!

Rotate in a box:

As easy as it sounds, this is a problem area for many exhibitors when it comes to trails. Most shows set up the 6’x6′ box, which is not small, but also not big enough for you to turn the horse around or walk in a circle. That means the handler must move both the horse’s shoulder and its hind end! … And this must be done without going into the box (with the exception that he can step on the corners of the box when turning)!

This is an obstacle that I actually find easier to pull off from the saddle than on the ground. When riding, you can use your legs to guide the horse around the turn. From the ground you have to teach your horse that when you move your body you want him to move his in a certain way. Usually (if you turn right), you can move the horse’s shoulder by walking towards it like you’re calling for a turn of showmanship. Every two steps you will have to pause and ask the horse to move its hip towards you. This takes some practice and every horse responds differently!

Walking and trotting steps:

The last obstacle you may encounter in the trail ring is the walking and jogging steps. These can be set up in combination with walks/trots, but usually consist of several cones that are placed so that the handler walks or trots the horse between them (in a serpentine or series of circles/eights).

Depending on the distance between the cones, the handler may or may not want to go around the cones as well. If they are further apart and the horse can get through the cones, the handler should stand to the side and simply push or pull the horse around the cones. If you need to make a deeper S to get through the obstacle, then the handler will probably want to weave his horse!

The common thread among all these obstacles is the need for patience and practice. Trail in hand is not a class you can go into cold. Hours of hard work at home are required to prepare your horse for the difficult maneuvers and possibly scary obstacles. Also, don’t try to fit everything into one lesson! Every horse is different and while one horse may “get it” right away, another horse may take a week to master the same hurdle.

Just remember, your horse will do no better in the show ring than on an average day at home!

One last word of encouragement though – Trail is a very rewarding class and although it takes a lot of work, your horse will be so much better. The work you put in will not only help you perform better in the trail class show ring, but it will also create a more enjoyable horse to be around. Your horse will learn to respect you and work with you, and if you are patient, he will learn to do everything he can for you whenever you ask him to!

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