Digital Marketing

SEO: What is it?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it is a set of methods that focus on improving the ranking of a website in search engine listings. Similarly, SEO can also be considered as a subset of search engine marketing. The term also refers to an industry of consultants who perform optimization projects on behalf of client sites.

Search engine optimization methods can be categorized as white hat SEO and black hat SEO. White hat SEO methods are often endorsed by search engines for creating content and improving site quality. However, black hat SEO often uses methods and tricks like cloaking and spamdexing. In fact, there is an argument where the white hatters claim that black hat methods are an attempt to unfairly manipulate search rankings, and the black hatters counter that all SEO is an attempt to manipulate rankings.

Various types of listings are displayed on search engine results pages, mainly including pay-per-click ads, paid inclusion listings, and organic search results. SEO focuses on furthering a website’s goals by improving the number and position of its organic search results for a wide variety of relevant keywords. The SEO ploy can greatly improve both the number and quality of visitors, who complete the action intended by the site owner. Search Engine Optimization offers stand-alone services, primarily for a larger marketing effort, and can be very effective if incorporated into the initial development and design of a site.

However, the cost of pay-per-click advertising can be huge for high-volume, competitive search terms. On the other hand, a good ranking in organic search results can complement the same targeted traffic with significant potential savings. If the cost of optimization is less than the cost of advertising, site owners can even opt for organic search to optimize their site.

With the expansion of e-commerce, search engine optimization can be a crucial process for any business organization as SEO greatly helps in targeting end customers.

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