
Securing a Flight Attendant Career Interview Efficiently

The flight attendant career is highly sought after due to the glamor and rewards of working in the airline industry. It’s also a great career to improve your customer service and management skills. To apply for a position as a flight attendant, airlines generally require you to submit a resume. The resume is your ticket to an interview.

Airlines receive thousands of resumes just for a hiring exercise. Since it is not possible for them to grant an interview to all applicants, they analyze the numbers and decide who should be selected, based on the attractiveness of the resume.

They will highlight professionally written resumes in commercial fonts that are pleasant to read, such as Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial. These are fonts that have a subliminal effect and tell the reader a lot about you. Certain fonts like Comic Sans and Lucida Handwriting should be completely avoided, even if you like them.

Another important factor is your image, which must make a good impression. She has to have an upper body shot professionally done, with hair, makeup, and clothing that represents the standard flight attendant look. It should not be a mug shot with your hair down and no makeup. The interviewer will try to match your appearance to the airline’s image, so a clean, uncluttered photo helps make that transition.

The content of the resume should address the selection criteria and your work experience. Don’t get too long on the experience part because the interviewer at this point is just scanning. Just write down the main points and save the rest of your story for the interview where your qualifications and experience can be developed.

The resume draws attention, while the interview is where you elaborate on what you have written and for the interviewer to validate it. Therefore, the resume and interview should be an ongoing process. Many applicants fail interviews because their resumes and interviews were not uniform, meaning that during the interview they did not go as described on their resumes.

It’s important to get it right the first time because there’s usually a long wait between flight attendant recruitment exercises, especially if you’re targeting a single airline. You may want to further prepare for the interview by learning more about the company and their corporate vision, the cities they travel to, their history, and future plans. You may also want to prepare yourself to answer some commonly popular questions to increase your confidence level.

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