
Rocking Chair Plans: How To Find Your Own Unique Rocking Chair Design

My dad bought some rocking chair plans thinking of making a rocking chair over a year ago. He has been very busy and never seemed to have time to do it. When he received the news that he was going to be a grandfather for the first time, he knew that the right time had come to make his chair.

He is the type of person who wants to make something that nobody has, a unique creation, no matter how long it takes. Well, she said, I have about 8 months left to get it done in time to show off my first grandchild. That said, he began going to country and furniture stores on weekends to get ideas. I was determined to make a very original chair.

He went to Cracker Barrel, bought some magazines, went to flea markets, etc. I asked him a few months later how we did things with that chair. She said that she still hadn’t seen a style that he really liked. Then a lightbulb went off in my head. What about this woodworking plan kit you have online? Asked. I don’t think they have rocking chairs, that was his reply. He was pretty sure he didn’t even look at them.

So I went to his computer and logged on to the program. I pulled out the blueprints for the chairs and found various rocking chair designs. I printed them all out and went back to the living room and showed him what I had found. He took a long look at the plans and gave me a big smile. He told me that he hadn’t seen a chair like it anywhere he went and that he really liked one of them.

The following week my dad had bought the material and started cutting the pieces for the chair. He made a special carved design on the back which was the brainchild of him. I was very impressed with the end result when it was finished a couple of months later. He worked on it from time to time and took the time to sand it down really well and put on several coats of varnish to protect it. I’m sure using these rocking chair plans was a great idea.

My best moment was a little after my son was born when I saw my dad rocking him in his new chair. He told me that now he had to make her a rocking horse and some wooden toys. I told him with a smile that now I knew where to look for ideas.

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