Arts Entertainments

Nordictrack’s Best Elliptical Trainer: 3 Ellipticals That Outshine the Competition

Are you looking for the best Nordictrack elliptical bike? Nordictrack ellipticals are some of the most popular elliptical bikes on the market.

They have some extremely unique machine designs that you won’t find anywhere else, but they put out a lot of models. So which one is better for you?

Well, here are 3 of the best Nordictrack elliptical trainers that I think give you the most bang for your buck, and why.

#1 Nordictrack Freestrider elliptical bike

The Freestride Trainer is a new type of elliptical trainer that is extremely popular right now.


Well, most standard ellipticals give you a fixed stride and a fixed elliptical path. The problem with this is that your body can adapt to this movement very quickly and therefore become more efficient at burning fewer calories after a while.

But the Freestrider doesn’t have a set elliptical path, it has an adjustable pitch. In fact, you can get up to a 38-inch stride!

You can choose to do short stair strides, longer jogging strides, or even longer hurdle strides, whatever strikes your fancy that day!

So you never settle for a fixed movement, and you’re always burning maximum calories.

Plus, with an adjustable stride, everyone in the family can choose the stride that’s most comfortable for them, making this a great elliptical for multi-user households.

#2 Nordictrack ACT elliptical bike

The ACT elliptical has been around for several years (with updates every year), which is a testament to its popularity. There are several different models of ACT, but the design is similar in all of them.

What is the problem? Well, the ACT is a mid-drive elliptical. Instead of having one large steering wheel in front of or behind the pedals, it has two smaller steering wheels on either side of the pedals.

This has the advantage of standing more upright on the pedals (which for most people feels much more comfortable).

The ACT elliptical is also much more compact due to its design, so it takes up less space in your home, making it ideal for apartments or condos.

#3 SpaceSaver Elliptical

Nordic Track also has a couple of different folding ellipticals called Spacesaver ellipticals, which really help you save space in your home!

Folding trainers these days are often flimsy and cheap, due to the limits of a folding design. But Nordic Track uses a commercial-gauge steel frame and heavy flywheels on its new Spacesaver machines, making them much heavier and stronger.

While they aren’t easy to fold (they require a bit of force), it’s quite manageable to fold these trainers up and roll them up when you’re done with them.

Plus, you also get things like incline that other folding ellipticals don’t give you, which can help add a bit of a challenge to your workouts.

That’s 3 of the best Nordictrack elliptical trainers for your home, each with their own unique benefits.

Take your time, do some research and choose the one that best suits your goals and you’ll soon be on your way to exercising in the comfort of your own home.

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