
Natural flea control for dogs

Natural flea control for dogs doesn’t have to be that complicated if you know the proper steps. Your goal should be to prevent fleas on your dog without using the harmful chemical flea control sprays and gels. There are many dangerous chemicals in flea control sprays, including cythioate, fentillon, and imidacloprid. These dangerous chemicals are known as “neurotoxins” and can cause real harm to your dog in the long run. If you look at the instructions on the flea sprays, it warns you not to spray your skin. Now if the chemicals in the spray are harmful to you, you can be pretty sure they will be harmful to your dog.

Here are some tips on natural flea control for dogs.

The first thing in flea control for dogs is to check your dog for fleas. You probably can’t tell just by looking. So take a wet napkin and place it under your dog while he is standing on all fours. Brush your dog down so that anything that falls off lands on the damp napkin. If you see these little black dots that turn reddish when wet, this is flea droppings and your dog has fleas.

The next point to keep in mind is that ten percent of fleas live on your dog and the other ninety percent live in your house. Natural flea control for dogs starts with keeping your home clean and vacuumed regularly.

Another thing to remember is that if your dog is eating a truly healthy diet every day, he or she has a very low chance of contracting fleas. Healthy dog ​​food gives your dog a strong immune system that is capable of repelling fleas on its own. Unhealthy dog ​​food weakens the immune system, allowing fleas to thrive. You can find out if your dog is actually eating a healthy diet at the link above.

Finally, a great way to implement natural flea control for dogs is to get a bandana for your dog and spray it weekly with essential oils that act as a natural flea repellant. Some of these natural flea control oils for dogs include lavender, citronella, cedarwood, tea tree, peppermint, and sage oils.

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