Health Fitness

Lose weight with the semolina diet

Most weight loss plans are difficult precisely because they involve cutting out food, and depending on the psychological issues that may have been at the root of your weight gain in the first place, this can be a particularly difficult thing to do. You may find yourself rebelling, even if you’re mentally committed to losing weight. You might even find that the feeling of deprivation drives you toward other self-destructive behaviors, like smoking or drinking. If this describes you, you may benefit from counseling to address your weight problems and other issues underlying your weight problems.

Meanwhile, eating plans that promise to help you lose weight by adding something, rather than taking food away, may appeal to you and might actually work much better. This may seem counterintuitive, in a way, because losing weight always seems to require eating less. However, there are some exceptions. One is a time-honored method of adding a meal of grits, a cooked grain similar to cream of wheat, three times a day. The argument is that if you eat 300 grams of cooked grits three times a day, you’ll feel too full to binge on other foods. Your intake of other foods will be minimized and you will lose weight.

This approach is a bit controversial and may work best as a temporary transition method. For one thing, low-carb, high-protein advocates would be horrified by this plan. Dr. Atkins himself would roll over in his grave! Grits is a high-carbohydrate, high-glycemic index food: it’s pure starch. Also, eating that much tends to make you less hungry for all other foods, including protein. Proponents of Atkins and other high-protein plans would say this is the worst thing you can do for your body. Of course, we must remember that the high-protein approach is also controversial, however. From a nutritionist’s point of view, neither the high-protein nor the grits plan would be ideal. However, most nutritionists’ dietary guidelines put grains at the top of the chart, so the grits plan sticks more closely to a standard dietary guideline, as long as you make an effort to also eat enough fruits, vegetables and protein to stay in balance.

And if you do, that would almost automatically eliminate junk food and empty calories. Few of us would be able to eat 300g of semolina three times a day, and an adequate amount of fruit, vegetables and protein, and still be able to eat foods with excess calories or fat. In a sense, grits replaces the other ’empty’ calories that many of us (if we have a weight problem to begin with) eat as a regular part of our diet. Eating grits may not represent optimal nutrition, of course, but it is preferable to eating foods full of fat and additives, such as chips, chocolate, or candy. Of course, the grits diet doesn’t forbid any of these junk foods, it just specifies that you should eat a certain amount of grits each day and make sure you get enough vitamins and protein in your diet. Most people would automatically eliminate a lot of junk food because we just don’t have room for it.

By itself, grits really aren’t that bad of a shelf-stable food, unless you subscribe to the ‘low-carb’ philosophy (in which case, you’d probably never choose this diet to begin with!). It is low in fat, it is a natural food and, like other cereals, it is fortified with vitamins and minerals. If eating carbohydrates is your preference, and many of us gain weight by eating excessive amounts of pasta or bread, then grits will satisfy you. You are less likely to crave other carbohydrate-rich foods. Also, consider the fact that the grits plan is quite similar to how many traditional cultures ate. In traditional Asian cuisine, for example, rice was a staple and was eaten at most meals. In some European cultures, porridge (oatmeal) would have had the same function. Although these diets may not seem balanced to us today, they kept people alive, and within a healthy weight range, for millennia!

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