Arts Entertainments

Interview with Roe De Pinto, author of "Too much trash in my trunk!"

Roe De Pinto has received fourteen awards for it The Adventures of Zealy and Whubba series and looks forward to continuing the accolades with the re-release of this adorable little episode, “Too Much Trash in My Trunk!” Through her sweet characters Zealy, a baby seal, and Whubba, a baby killer whale, Roe continues to embark on her journey and dreams of regaining the morals she was taught many years ago: respecting herself, others, and the world. whole that surrounds them. . Giving, sharing and caring is their lifelong campaign, beginning with the birth of a newborn throughout their developmental years. Giving someone else before yourself, and always protecting each other are the simple life lessons, she believes, that can restore peace and non-violence in a very jaded world.

Hi Roe, and welcome! Is a pleasure see you again. Why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?

Before writing, I was a real estate agent, administrative assistant, manager, travel agent, notary, etc., for professional purposes, but I have been writing since I was able to write, starting at age 10. I am the mother of two beautiful children, and Nana of three beautiful grandchildren, who light up my life with joy and love. They have inspired my writing during my retirement years after countless hours of watching my favorite TV cartoons – cartoons.

I can’t wait to hear what you’ve been up to since we last spoke! What is happening with your series? The Adventures of Zealy and Whubba?

Well I’ve been working on the series The Adventures of Zealy and Whubba For 3 years now and with the launch of the new book, which is Book 4, “Too Much Trash in My Trunk”, I have received 14 awards so far, so I am very happy that the audience is receiving my books with anxiety!

Recently, the editors, Austin-Macauley, chose me for my top three to be reviewed under their in-house format in the hope that their marketing will take my work to the next level.

That’s so exciting, congratulations! And what is “Too Much Trash in My Trunk”? about?

My fourth book is about our two little characters exploring a foodie adventure, turned into a foodie show, with some freshly made friends who end up with stomachaches that only their mom can improve by giving them her best advice. The book ends with a wonderful lesson learned as they happily dance to the rhythm of the song that you will see when they feel better.

I love the lessons in your books! It is also great for adults. I relate very well to the message of “Too much trash in my trunk!” What inspired you to write about overeating?

I constantly tell my grandchildren to try new foods, but they have a tendency to overeat the foods they prefer to eat, so I decided to write about that, and now they remember what Zealy and Whubba did and will recite the chant every time I remind them. they are eating too much.

What do you love about writing children’s books and what is the most difficult thing about writing children’s books?

The hardest part I feel is getting into a child’s mind and knowing how they will react to the words and lessons they are trying to convey. Children are so easily impressed and you have to be very careful with the wording and keep it simple so that they understand it.

What did you want to know when you started writing your first book?

How tedious marketing really is when you self-publish. I’d rather spend my energy writing!

How active are you in promoting your books? Tell us about some of the things you are doing to spread the word about Zealy and Whubba.

Social media, coast-to-coast book signing, awards presentation, review submission, book fairs, and trade shows are all I do – I’m a one-man band.

What do you think of the writing groups and critics partners?

They are beneficial for exposing things to you objectively rather than the way you see them, subjectively.

Do you attend literary conferences? If so, what is your biggest takeaway from these events?

Absolutely, exposure is the key there, as well as networking and seeing what works for other writers and industry experts.

Looking back, did you ever imagine that your series would receive so much recognition and praise? What does that validation mean to you as a writer, but also as a mother and grandmother?

I am completely in awe of each and every award, and it validates everything that I am expressing in my writing for parents of young children to engage with as well as children.

What were Zealy and Whubba doing 30,000 feet in the sky in an airplane? I thought they were marine animals?

Oh my gosh, the ad aired on national TV as an interview on Talk Business 360, Fox Business Network, and expanded on Talk Business 360, which airs on select American Airlines flights (27,000 total) in October and November. . I cannot express my heartbeat when I saw it on the flight and on television because my search and my dream come true is to see it on television in an animated format one day and it was a great pleasure for me to see my characters in ¡¡ the screen!

What’s next for The Adventures of Zealy and Whubba Serie?

The fifth book has not yet started for production, although I have the following 8 written, but not edited. I hope that within a year Book 5 will be produced.

Knowing everything you know now about writing and marketing and the whole process, what information would pass to someone who wants to break into the world of children’s books?

Be prepared to spend time and money, but the rewards are much greater when you see children interacting, happy and smiling as they read what you created.

Where can readers engage with you on social media and learn more about you and your books?

My website: has it all. I am also on Twitter at @doctaroe and Facebook.

Roe, as always, it was a pleasure and an honor talking to you today. I’m inspired by your enthusiasm and ambition and can’t wait to see what’s next!


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