
If you are not vaccinated, wear a mask instead of risking infection!: 4 considerations!

Why, it seems, do the very people who have fought, wearing a mask, often proclaiming, the horrible pandemic was either a hoax, a political ploy, or worse, continue to, appearing to be, in some state, of denial, to this day? Many of these people seem to subscribe to and/or believe in some or several of the conspiracy theories, which align with their desires! The reality is simply to deny that something never makes it go away, but often creates a series of undesirable ramifications/circumstances! Wouldn’t it be nice if they were willing to understand and accept that while everyone is entitled to their own personal opinion, that doesn’t make it a fact? One would hope that, after the millions of Americans infected and hundreds of thousands of deaths from the pandemic, each of us would prioritize, making public health a top priority! Instead of doing what they want and claiming that it is their right/freedom to do, then shouldn’t they be part of the solution, instead of adding to the problems? Almost all public health experts agree, until we get closer to herd immunity and around 70% or more of the population is vaccinated, wearing a mask not only protects the wearer, but the greater good! With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss 4 considerations.

1. Herd immunity: The best way to beat this pandemic is to achieve, as close as possible, herd immunity! To do so, at least 70% must be thoroughly vaccinated, yet it seems that the same 30% or so who complain about wearing a mask refuse to get vaccinated! Is this stupidity/ignorance, denial, resistance, refusal to listen effectively, or simply not caring about the health and well-being of society at large?

two. Vaccination data/statistics, vary, by region: Statistics indicate that citizens and residents of certain geographic regions/areas/locations/states cooperate in being vaccinated at a much higher rate (higher rate) than others. Since these people are free to move around the country, they create public health risks and ramifications!

3. New strains more risky for children: Although, around the world, there are many reports of new strains of this virus that are reported to be much more dangerous to children than the original version, we continue to watch, parents, protesting, children, wearing masks, at school! Since children under the age of 12 are not yet eligible to be vaccinated, and there are still so many adults who balk at this concept, especially indoors where airborne viruses spread more easily. , continue to wear a mask, for unvaccinated people, it makes sense!

Four. This should not be political, but a public health problem: We must not accept a political solution to a public health problem! How many more must die, before certain people stop playing – at politics, with life, and the well-being / public health, of the rest of society!

Wake up, America, and demand that your public officials stop empty rhetoric and lies, and proceed, using well-considered public health plans and approaches! Will you let your representatives know that you are sick and tired, and you won’t take it anymore?

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