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How to impress with your answer to “Tell me about yourself”

“I am trained and qualified for that job, but why didn’t I get selected?” Have you ever felt this after an interview? And for most of us the answer is yes, so what went wrong?

It’s simple, the fact that you are skilled is really good, but you may not have made it clear to the interviewer.

How to express yourself in an interview?

“Tell me about yourself” is a question that comes first in most interviews and is your trump card for explaining yourself in an impressive and polite way. So let’s see how to answer this simple but important question.

These are the steps to follow:

* Feel strong and comfortable and never fear because this is not your last chance.

* Practice makes perfect, so score some points and try practicing it in front of the mirror, which will give you new ideas and correct mistakes.

* Speak politely in a soft tone, to make it easier to understand and encourage them to listen.

* Make a smile when they look at you, this will show them that you are confident and positive, which really counts.

* Read the job description and try to find out its requirements and terms and be sure to include those points when you speak.

* Be kind and tell the truth. Never tell lies because there will be cross questions and it could come up at any time, so be frank.

* Start with your name and hometown, then move on to your educational qualifications.

*When you talk about your grade, start with the highest grade you earned because that’s what they want to know.

*Then move on to your extracurricular activities, paper performances, or other achievements you have made.

* Never speak ill of current or former employers, this could ruin your name.

* Rather talk about your hopes for the opportunities or just skip the topic.

* Tell them something about your professional experience and success in the previous company.

* If the company has a website, collect information about them and add some interesting facts about your company and most interviewers will love it.

* At any time, if they cross-question, respond with a smile and never knock because this might give the wrong impression.

* Lastly, make sure to express your positive points clearly and succinctly because you will only be given a few minutes.

Follow these steps and be positive and you can land your dream job. But don’t give up because this is not your last chance, you may deserve better.

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