Lifestyle Fashion

Heavy Metal Toxicity: An Overview and How to Get Rid of It

Today, more people than ever have high levels of heavy metals in their bodies. It is very likely that some of you reading this right now have heavy metals in the form of aluminum, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and lead to the point where they are actually toxic and don’t even know it. Why do you think that is?

Some of the sources of heavy metal poisoning include the foods we eat, such as commercial baked goods. Baked goods such as cakes, cookies, and crackers contain baking powder. Baking powder manufacturers use a drying agent called aluminum. You know this is true because if you go to the market on the baking island, you can find “aluminium-free” baking powder. Aluminum is found in many of the cookware out there, as well as in most antiperspirant deodorants. Aluminum is also found in some vaccines. This short list shows how likely you are to be exposed to and become toxic to the heavy metal, aluminum. Aluminum toxicity affects the body neurologically and physiologically.

Mercury is a heavy metal that can be found in many places like dental amalgam fillings, sometimes called silver fillings. Amalgam fillings release a toxic cocktail of mercury vapors that affect the brain, heart, and all glands, including the adrenal, pituitary, and thyroid glands. Mercury is also found in fish. Certain species such as shellfish, tuna, orange roughy, grouper, swordfish, and king mackerel are higher in mercury, but caution should be exercised when eating all fish. Like aluminum, mercury can be found in some vaccines as a preservative called thimerosal. The ongoing controversy continues with vaccines and the possible cause of autism. Like aluminum, mercury negatively affects all parts of the body.

Toxicity from other metals can come from lead, arsenic, and cadmium, and we are exposed to them in a variety of ways: old leaded water pipes, traffic fumes, and other pollutants. Arsenic and Cadmium from shellfish, insecticides and wallpaper, and other contaminants.

These heavy metals can wreak havoc on your body and make you very unhealthy. They can even be fatal. The symptoms are neurological and physiological. They are not metabolized in the body and are stored in the tissues. You may feel:

Exhaustion Joint pain due to inflammation Depression Headaches Children may have unexplained behavior problems Constipation Foggy head Physical rocking back and forth

If I had these kinds of symptoms, I would have my hair tested to find out if and what kind of heavy metal toxicity. There are different types of “chelation” treatments. I believe the most natural and organic methods are by far the safest. I would try to find out where the source of heavy metals I was exposed to was and get rid of that source. For example, if I have amalgam fillings, I would seek out an experienced dentist who removes these mercury fillings as part of his dental practice. I would take the time and expense to safely replace the fillings.

I would concentrate my diet with alkaline foods. You need an alkaline body to detox heavy metals. If my body has a good ph balance, that is, with a concentration of alkaline foods, the body has a chance to fight these outside intruders. Alkalizing the body with fresh organic juice gives you a good chance of flushing heavy metals out of your system and detoxifying. You can not go to the grocery store and for juice from the island of “juice”. Those juices are pasteurized and high in sugar, both on the wrong side of the island.

You will need a juicer and squeeze a mixture of vegetables and fruits. A great combination is Swiss chard and kale (leafy greens), spinach, carrots, and cilantro and apple. This blend is brimming with all the B vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, and more! Coriander has an amazing property that causes metals to be released from the tissues and flushed out of the system. The other thing I would do is take chlorella, a single celled green algae and its healing properties are so strong that it is now labeled a green superfood. It is considered very safe because, as a food, you cannot overdose on it. It is important to note that chlorella has something of a magnetic quality to these heavy metals. Chlorella binds to mercury and other metals and is then flushed out of the system. Chlorella can be taken in powdered form and mixed with your juice, or it can be taken as tablets. It’s a great product. Whenever I am exposed to contaminants, such as when having amalgam fillings removed or even when eating fish, I take chlorella to lessen the potential damaging effect of metal poisoning. I enjoy fish with much less worry knowing that I have Chlorella protecting me.

This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek a health professional for specific help if you have a condition. This site is for informational purposes only.

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