Digital Marketing

Google and its language tools

One of the things I admire about Google is its effort to localize its websites. It dates back to 2001 when they started the “Google in your language” project. This project has encouraged thousands of volunteers from different countries to translate Google pages into their native languages. Thanks to your painstaking efforts, Google is now available in more than 100 languages.

The Google in Your Language project was not an easy task, but Google is serious about reaching all markets in the world and refining its international approach to search. There are notable efforts by Google to reach Arabic speakers, South Koreans, Chinese, Indians, Russians, Brazilians, New Zealand people, and Japanese users. This is to ensure that everyone has access to every Google product and tool.

Besides Google in different languages, they also offer this machine translation service for free. The service is called Google Translate, which so far can translate between 34 languages ​​and is easy to use. Google Translate can be accessed on the product home page or in Google Language Tools.

What the user only needs to do when they have seen foreign text on one of the websites they are visiting and are curious what it means is to copy the foreign text and paste it into the Google Translate box. Then you will select the language of the original text in the box and choose which language it will translate to, for example English, in the second box. Then you will click the translate button. The translated text will appear in the left column. A sample of translated text in Google Translate that is very accurate

Users can also ask Google to translate a web page by simply pasting the URL of that page. And choose from which language to which language it will be translated.

Another interesting thing about the Google Translate page is that this page is not limited to carrying out text or web translations. You can also perform translated searches, where two types of search results appear on the same page. (The left column has search results for the original language, while the right column has translated search results.) It also has a Dictionary in different languages ​​and translation, a gadget that users can embed on their websites to offer their visitors the option of translation. and the Google Toolbar, which users can customize in any of the 34 supported languages.


Google Language Tools simply demonstrates how Google helps improve the Web by providing access to everyone through language translation. However, it is debatable whether Google has a hidden agenda for making this translation effort. Are they sincere in breaking the language barrier? Or they just want to increase their search market and earn more from it. What you think?

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