Arts Entertainments

Fujikura Speeder: Learn How The Speeder Shaft Can Increase Your Momentum

The Fujikura Speeder shaft has been one of the most successful shafts on the PGA Tour to date. Fujikura has brought this success to the recreational player by offering a series of models that are sure to suit your game and swing. Let’s take a look at why the Speeder axle is so popular and how it could help you increase the distance on your ride.

Fujikura’s patented Triax technology is at the heart of the Speeder series trucks. Triax is a carbon fiber woven into a honeycomb structure that gives the shaft extraordinary capabilities. The end result is a shaft more capable of withstanding the torsional forces experienced during the swing. This provides much more consistency, better vibration dampening and an incredible improvement in energy transfer at impact. Triax technology is what made the Speeder series such a hyped ax in recent years.

What makes the Speeder series so successful with the recreational gamer is the diversity that Fujikura offers. The Speeder series is now available in five different models identified by desired weight, spin, launch, and flex points. These models include the Fujikura Speeder 569, 586, 652, 686 and 757 models.

Fujikura 569 and 586 Speeder trucks They are the lightest in the Speeder series, weighing 56 to 61 grams. Designed for the better than average player looking for higher spin, higher launch and a low to medium flex point.

Fujikura 652 and 686 slider The trucks are slightly heavier than the 569 and 586 trucks and weigh between 65 and 70 grams. Designed for the better player and slightly faster swing speeds looking for a medium spin, medium launch and medium flex point.

Fujikura 757 Slider Shaft It is the flagship of the Speeder series. This shaft is what made the Speeder what it is today, a very popular shaft designed primarily for the better player. The 757 is the heaviest Speeder weighing in at 77 to 82 grams. Designed for the accomplished player seeking a low, penetrating ball flight with low spin and low to medium launch with a medium to high flex point. The 757 Speeder is truly a shaft for the discerning golfer.

The Fujikura Speeder has a huge following and is responsible for much of the success that Fujikura has experienced over the years. Triax technology has brought this truck to a level of success experienced by few truck manufacturers. The expanded range of Speeder shafts now makes it accessible for more golfers to experience the great Speeder shaft. If you plan on upgrading trucks in the near future, put the Speeder truck on your short list.

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