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Evidence of Grace: The Imperfect Journey to Perfection by Raymond J Moore

Redemption, Restoration and Reestablishment

“Evidence of Grace: The Imperfect Journey to Perfection” is made up of stories of people from the Bible who were used by God despite their sin. It points the reader to God’s amazing love, undeserved grace, forgiveness, restoration, and healing.

Moore weaves his own personal story, his testimony, with some of his biblical heroes who experienced great victories and were used mightily by God. He shows from Scripture how, at the pinnacle of his success, they sometimes made bad decisions, sinned, and were unfaithful in their obedience to God. The lives of: David, Moses, Manasseh, Peter, Abraham, Rahab, and Judah illustrate how God graciously intervened in the midst of his struggles to turn repentant men and women into powerful examples of what can be accomplished when we surrender. . for his purpose for his glory.

Ray’s reflections are presented for application at various points in each story. This short commentary provides additional insights and applications from Scripture and his own story to instruct and challenge the reader to repent, seek forgiveness, and obey God’s will. He openly recounts his own weaknesses, struggles, and the depth of the shame of his sin. I appreciated and was blessed by Raymond’s candor in telling his own story candidly and humbly.

Adding insights as she reads between the lines, Moore turns biblical accounts into first-person narratives to help the reader more clearly understand the lessons God has for us from the lives of these people. After telling his story, the underlying truth to be drawn from the example becomes clear. We can find parallels by relating our experiences and our temptations to these illustrations. God can turn our “disorder into a message,” “our trial into a testimony.” Raymond recounts the feelings of rejection, betrayal, denial, and ridicule he felt when he found himself in a jail cell for an unexpected criminal act. He describes his guilt, his remorse, and his regret. He speaks of the despair of abandonment and the heaviness and loneliness resulting from his shame. He likens his experience to David’s moment of remorse for his sin and to his contrite spirit of wholehearted repentance and the liberating peace of forgiveness. He experiences the divine encounter of Moses, called by God to fulfill a purpose.

Moore’s story, like the examples of the Bible’s heroes, “testifies to the reach and power of God’s mercy to those who choose to believe.” His writings are rich in Biblical references, applications, theology, and illustrations, a scholarly treatise that incorporates an understanding of the Scriptures, in terms easy for laymen to understand.

Moore writes in hopes of helping the church reach its full potential by helping repentant sinners “know that saints are not perfect, sinless people, and we saints need to stop giving them this impression.” “Evidence of Grace: The Imperfect Journey to Perfection” is an amazing story of redemption, restoration, and reintegration. Highly recommended.

I received a free review copy of this book from the publisher.

I was not compelled to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with Federal Trade Commission guidelines.

Target Image Publishers, Inc.

post office box 310

Shippensburg, PA 17257-0310

978-0768437584, $16.99, 2011, 268 pages

As reviewed for Midwest Book Review.

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