
Closing the gap with satellite television

Some people criticize television for desensitizing people to true culture and preventing them from appreciating the good things the world has to offer. While some television shows may not be the pinnacle of fine culture, television can have some surprisingly beneficial effects in terms of bringing people together. Satellite television brings programs from around the world into the homes of viewers internationally. By simply flipping through the channels, you can catch up on the political happenings in Venezuela or the hottest music videos from India. “The Simpsons” is a very popular cartoon around the world, giving people from different countries a common ground on which to stand.

When having a conversation with someone from another country, you can help fill in the gaps in language with references to popular culture. Suppose you can’t remember the word “deer,” just say “Bambi” and most people will know what kind of animal you’re talking about. Satellite television has all sorts of channels to suit almost anyone’s interests. TV shows not only link people from different countries, but also provide topics of conversation between compatriots. Instead of sitting in awkward silence in a cab, you can ask the driver if he watched last night’s “House” episode or how he felt about the last big football game.

Celebrities have always been a hot topic of conversation between strangers, giving them a common individual to discuss. Watching the latest Hollywood star tumble down the red carpet in high definition provides a great opening story to bring in a bit of familiarity between strangers. The numerous programs available with satellite also help people get acquainted with popular celebrities in other countries. Most South Americans will be happy when they find out you like Shakira, and even more impressed if you meet Juanes too. While all of this may seem like frivolous information, it shows an interest in the life and culture of other countries.

Following international athletics is another great way to establish common ground with people from all over the world. With soccer, or “football” to the rest of the world, being the most popular sport internationally, it’s a good idea to follow the action on one of the many sports channels available. Bringing it back to a more local level, following popular games and teams is a great way to connect with other people, giving you material to chat about and connect in person.

The interconnected nature of the world creates a kind of universal culture that almost anyone can relate to. While each country of course has its own identity and unique qualities, people from all over the world can connect on some shared elements of their lives, whether it’s a favorite movie or a tennis player, satellite television has the ability to connect people in a special way. The next time you’re in an airport or at the doctor’s office, break the awkward silence and strike up a conversation with the person closest to you, you may be surprised at how similar you are to each other.

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