Real shortstops don’t bite their gloves.

Growing up with an older brother (Garland) and two orderly cousins ​​(Earle and Harvey) who lived across the yard meant that I was often cast in the most inconsequential roles in games and sports. For example, all the neighboring children played baseball in a clearing in our garden; in reality, the clearing was the infield, and any ball that came […]

African Lion – The Legend of the Tsavo Man Eaters

There has been much speculation about the Tsavo man-eaters with its fair share of sensationalism and dramatization, especially in the film based on the story. “The Ghost and the Darkness” was an entertaining movie but definitely a spiced version. “Tsavo” translate to “Place of Killing” which is called aptly if true. Between Lieutenant Colonel John Patterson, who was building a […]

Tips for Great Storage Ideas for Busy Homes

No matter how great we think we are, our homes will always accumulate clutter that we just don’t know what to do with. As kids get older, they tend to accumulate all sorts of spilled equipment in the common areas of the house, making it look messy and dirty at the same time. However, the smart ones will place decorative […]

The right kind of pride is a virtue

Is there something you are particularly proud of in your life? Pride in what you’ve accomplished and who you are is a good thing when it’s based on something genuine. It is a positive thing to be able to have character qualities that you can speak well of to others and believe in yourself. In fact, it is admirable. Don’t […]

Blur the line between work and play

make your vocation his public holiday. I think it’s one of the smartest business concepts I’ve come across. I learned it from a book called work is my game by Wallace E. Johnson, one of the founders of Holiday Inn. One of the things that Johnson says in his book that I like so much is this: the secret to […]

Offense Spread for Soccer – 5 Wide Attack Offense

The football spread offense has become one of the most popular high school and college plays in football today. Here’s an article about a new type of propagated crime. Soccer extended offense allows you to be more aggressive on offense. You can win soccer games using the spread offense even if your opponent has better talent. I spoke to former […]