Does live video streaming work?

Have you found that many people have started live streaming on social media nowadays? With many live streaming social media apps starting with live video and making it possible for their users to go live and generate videos for their followers very easily, it’s no surprise that many small businesses jump in and use this technique to their advantage. You […]

10 tips for building email lists

The most successful internet marketers know the extreme importance of building email lists. In fact, one of the keys to growing a successful online business is building an email list of potential customers in your target market. There are numerous ways you can build your email list, including: Identify your target market. Who wants or needs your product or service? […]

Article Marketing SEO Services

One of the efficient and profitable ways to advertise your business is through the Internet. Having an online presence has always been the best way to market your services and products. It’s a reliable method that makes it easy for customers and new prospects to find you. Between social networking sites, SEO article marketing, and websites, one can experience a […]

Avoid tunnel vision of marketing metrics

Marketing companies and especially digital marketing companies are focused on cultivating a data-driven culture. With digital media famously being the most measurable channel available to brands and marketers today, it’s no surprise that agencies have become a bit obsessed with metrics. When it comes to email marketing, open and click rates are the most important, while lead acquisition and website […]

Impact of social media on society

“Do you have Facebook?” “Yes, of course. But I don’t think you can find me, since there are too many people who have the same name as me. Try searching with my last name too.” “Hey, you celebrated your birthday at K-Box, right? I saw the pictures on your Facebook.” “Brother, I saw your comments on the YouTube video I […]

social media marketing

Marketing is a form of communication between a company and potential customers to present and promote the values ​​of a certain product or service. The main objective of marketing is to sell. Social media marketing is to take the benefit of social network to realize some of the marketing goals, such as promoting and establishing a relationship with customers, etc. […]