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Cancer massage can help alleviate the effects of cancer treatment

Oncology massage is a specific type of bodywork that is aimed at boosting the healing process of those undergoing cancer treatments. Cancer patients often experience side effects from chemotherapy and other treatments, such as surgery and radiation, including increased pain, fatigue, low blood counts, nausea, insomnia, and decreased immune system function.

Oncology massage therapy uses gentle massage, as well as reflexology and acupressure to help strengthen the patient’s physical and emotional well-being. Reflexology applies light pressure to the reflex zones of the foot, which encourages balance of the related body system and organs. Acupressure targets different points on the body to promote physical and emotional balance. The massage is gentle and of limited duration, providing comfort and support for the healing process.

Until recently, massage as a treatment for cancer patients was contradicted due to the belief that massage could actually cause cancer cells to metastasize by causing the cells to dislocate from the cancerous area and regroup in other parts of the body. . However, leading cancer research centers have endorsed the use of massage therapy, as there are no data to support the view that massage can cause metastasis and the positive benefits outweigh the theoretically possible risk.

It is important to note that those who have had their lymph nodes removed and are at risk of developing lymphedema should see a qualified oncology massage therapist, as massage can cause lymphedema if applied incorrectly. In fact, massage benefits people suffering from lymphedema by providing manual lymphatic drainage, which reduces tissue swelling and helps remove toxins and waste from the area.

The emotional and psychological benefits of therapeutic massage for those undergoing cancer treatments are an important component of the physical healing process. Cancer patients often describe their treatment as invasive, painful, and extremely difficult to bear. An oncology massage therapist respects the unique needs of each patient, applying gentle movements so as not to cause further pain or injury.

Studies have shown decreased anxiety, pain, insomnia, depression, and nausea among those receiving chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. The massage provides a nurturing touch and helps empower patients to take a positive step in their healing process. Therapeutic massage provides a respite from invasive procedures and their side effects, helping to restore a sense of calm and positivity to those who are bravely fighting this disease.

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