
Basic Pug Training

Basic Pug training begins with the understanding that, as a Pug owner, you must be firm but loving. Pugs are a very sensitive breed often in tune with their owner’s feelings. This makes it easier for them to spot a weak owner. Don’t let Pug’s endearing face hurt your training efforts.

Many Pug owners don’t understand that a lack of basic training can put the Pug at risk! Pugs are naturally curious and, unless properly trained, will explore their environment without regard for dangerous situations. Take charge of Pug training and teach them how to behave as well as their role in the pack. Pugs have a stubborn personality, but underneath the tough exterior is a strong desire to please their master. A well-trained Pug is within your grasp if you have patience, dedication, and consistency.

Mental toughness is also a requirement if you want to be successful in training a Pug. Pugs believe that they are members of the family with equal rights. If you give your Pug special privileges, such as jumping on the couch or the freedom to ignore commands, then the advantage in obedience training is sacrificed.

Getting your Pug to get proper exercise is the first step to effective Pug training. While Pugs won’t be running alongside you in a marathon anytime soon, they will get mischievous if you don’t provide an outlet for their boisterous energy. A daily walk and a little playtime indoors should be enough to wear them down. Be aware that its short muzzle leads to many respiratory problems, so be sure to monitor your breathing, especially in hot weather situations.

In addition to exercise, the following approaches will help bolster your Pug training efforts:

Basic commands: The cause of many Pug problems can be traced back to a lack of basic obedience training. Commands like “sit”, “stay” and “down” are the building blocks for successful Pug training. You can avoid a lifetime of obedience problems and headaches for your family with these basic commands.

Clicker training: With their strong-willed nature, Pugs can take an attitude and ignore your orders. The distinctive clicker sound catches the Pugs’ attention and can speed up their efforts when used as positive reinforcement.

Burst Training Shorts: This is the basis for successful training, especially for Pug puppies. Short 5-10 minute sessions of focused training are the best method for success. Using the clicker during these short burst training sessions is highly recommended.

It may seem obvious, but you should NEVER hit your Pug. Negative reinforcement in any way, like yelling or hitting, produces fear and only hurts the training process. Rewarding positive behavior has been shown to speed up the learning process for dogs. Mix positive reinforcement with treats and praise. Pugs by nature crave acceptance and attention from their master, so they will respond quickly to what makes you happy.

Good luck in your Pug training efforts!

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