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Arthritis and turmeric, a different approach – Part 2

Arthritis… A Different Approach

Part 2

In addition to less conventional therapies, such as the amazing efficacy of the Indian cooking spice turmeric, which we discussed earlier in part 1, some remarkable advances have been made using stem cells harvested from our bodies. This, of course, overcomes the problem of our body’s immune system rejecting the treatment.

As a result of stem cell research, a team of medical researchers, led by Professor Frank Barry of the National University of Ireland, Galway City, have already carried out trial therapies. Professor Barry is one of the world’s leading experts on stem cells, and he did so using the patients’ own stem cells, which were obtained by removing a sample of fat from the patient’s own body.

Stem cells were separated from this fat sample; and, under clinical conditions, the cells were ‘cultured’ for a period of time, before being injected back into the patients’ bodies, into damaged areas of the patients’ joints. The results were very encouraging and resulted in significantly increased joint mobility.

Professor Barry, who was the clinical leader of the studies, said: (Quote) “The results are incredibly exciting, and we strongly believe that stem cell treatment will soon offer hope to millions of arthritis sufferers. He went on to say: ” Statistically, osteoarthritis affects about fifteen percent of people over the age of 25, and more than thirty percent of people of retirement age.”

Currently, there is no medical intervention, known drug or therapy, to stop the progression of this disease, and most patients just have to constantly treat themselves with pain relievers. Usually, further progression of arthritis will very often eventually result in surgery to replace the damaged joints.

One of the most common forms of arthritis is osteoarthritis of the knee, this is probably because our knee joints are often under extreme stress throughout our daily lives. Our knees take a pounding from the stresses of a lifetime of walking; or, by going round and round if we are playing different sports. Osteoarthritis can affect the major surfaces of the knee joint and also the cartilage below the kneecap (patella). We are more likely to feel pain in the front and sides of the knees.

If you have severe osteoarthritis, your knees may even bend and bow, causing you to walk with a limp. Your knee joint may also become so unstable that it can give way when you put weight on it; This is usually due to muscle weakness in the thigh, but is sometimes due to ligament damage.

Who is most likely to get knee osteoarthritis?

Knee osteoarthritis is twice as common in women as in men; and, when it occurs, it usually affects both knees. It is more likely to cause most problems in people in their fifties.

I have to exercise?

Yes, because exercise helps keep your muscles toned and your joints flexible. You can do light exercise without putting too much pressure on your joints. Protecting your joints and exercising work together, hand in hand.

Protecting your joints through gentle exercise reduces stress on your joint capsules and ligaments, which can loosen if you’re sedentary – but remember that stress on your joints can make things worse. Regular gentle exercise strengthens all the muscles and ligaments around your joints so they can give you the support they need.

Do I have to follow a special diet?

Being overweight definitely puts an extra load on our weight-bearing joints (back, hips, knees, ankles, and feet), which isn’t good if they’re already damaged or under stress; And, due to the way our joints work, the pressure on the knee joints is five to six times our body weight when we walk. If only for this reason, it is important to maintain a healthy weight. You can do this by making sure you exercise regularly; Swimming, for example, is really good for people with arthritis because the buoyancy of the water supports our joints.

Following a Mediterranean-style diet is good for providing all the nutrients and vitamins we need. This should include:

• Lots of fruits and vegetables

• Lots of oily fish

• Snacks of nuts and seeds

• Good virgin olive oil.

Some people also take dietary supplements to help protect their joints; for example, glucosamine and chondroitin, which can be found in most health food stores. Generally speaking, our bodies tolerate supplements relatively well, but you should talk to your doctor about taking them because some may interfere with other medications.

If you decide to try a supplement, it may be a good idea to keep a written record of what they are doing for you and base your decision on whether or not to continue whether or not you notice any improvement. in your condition

Lifestyle plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of arthritis; And because changing our clothes for life can be so hard to do, many people find it helpful to meet with others who want to achieve the same results. Good advice can be obtained from the occupational therapy department of any hospital, and they also usually offer joint protection programs where groups of people with arthritis get together to support each other by learning and doing exercise activities together. This is a great idea and could be one of the desirable parts of an overall program for arthritis sufferers.

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