
An Honest Ab King Pro Review

They have done it again. It seems like every six months someone comes out with a new gadget to help you get rock hard abs without a lot of work. The latest equipment is supposed to help you do it in record time. Whether he will actually do that is another story. This review is not about selling you the Ab King Pro system, but about helping you avoid wasting your money on something that doesn’t work.

Let’s take a look at what the Abs King Pro claims to do and then see what it will actually do. Once you analyze this, you will most likely come to the same conclusion as me. So here we go…

The biggest claim made has to do with the range of motion the Ab King Pro will give you. The manufacturers say that the typical ab machine will give you only 90 degrees of motion, while this one will give you over 200 degrees. While it may be true that they give you more reach than the other devices on the market, it’s actually comparable to a standard sit-up. The truth is, there will be times when a smaller range of motion is exactly what your abs need. One size does not fit all.

Let’s look at some more claims they’re making. It’s true, adding some fun equipment to your workout can help break up the monotonous routine and add a little more fun. That might encourage you to exercise when you really didn’t want to do anything but sit on the couch. But usually that’s not enough to give you the long-term motivation to keep going.

One nice feature that normal home ab workouts won’t be able to offer is the ability to add resistance. Resistance training will be the most efficient way to add muscle to any part of your body, including your abs. So this is definitely a positive. This is the advantage you will often have when using ab equipment at your local gym.

Let’s look at some places where the typical Ab King Pro review shows some weakness. Most would agree, the padding you’re sitting on, as well as the entire frame, isn’t the best quality. Many have described it as flimsy. It also seems to have a limited range of settings. That means that if your body size is above or below average, this could mean that the system will not work for you.

The truth is, the only way to get the six pack abs you dream of is to eat the right foods (keep carbs and fat low and protein levels up) in the right amounts, plus work really hard. The reason most people don’t get rock hard abs is because it’s so hard to achieve. The same reason most people don’t make a million dollars a year. It’s not impossible, but it’s not easy either.

If you have an extra $150 to spend on a six-pack machine, it’s probably better to spend on a fridge full of healthy foods. When you have that at your disposal, you’re much less likely to eat the wrong things. Combine that with a healthy dose of crunches, crunches, and leg raises and you’ll be much better off.

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