Health Fitness

Active recovery for exercise

Active recovery is participation in low-intensity exercise after completing a challenging and difficult high-intensity athletic event. An example is taking a low-intensity bike ride after a full 26-mile marathon. This may seem like the opposite, since the body needs to rest, but in reality it is not. When our bodies continue to move after an event like a marathon; we can reduce the risk of cramps and we can help blood circulate properly for recovery. Another example of is having an easy day in our training routines. It can be something like running on most days, but on active recovery days a person can spend 30 to 60 minutes stretching. A person might run four days a week, but on active recovery days they might stretch, take a yoga class, or use a foam roller.

The body needs a break and rest from our routines. When we change routines, we are allowing our body to rest and recover properly. For example, a runner may need to rest from an injury. Water can be a great source of active recovery for exercisers and athletes. Using a pool for light training can be a way to change our routines. The key is to allow the muscles to recover by doing something completely different and less strenuous on our bodies. Stretching and using a foam roller are commonly used for active recovery techniques as they can help prevent injury. Stretching is often overlooked, but it’s a great idea for active recovery since everyone needs flexibility.

Active recovery should not be confused with cross training. Both are different, but the main difference is that cross-training activities can still be intense. Active recovery activities will most likely be less intense. This is only because the muscles need rest and recovery. Someone who cross-trains could run and swim at the same intensity on different days. A person should try to do less on days off and remember that they are recovering from the main activity they are focusing on. That is why I strongly believe that the exercise should be lighter and not as challenging.

In closing, I think it’s important that we all choose an activity that requires less energy. The idea is not to be completely sedentary on our rest days. Choosing a less intense activity can really help our bodies with the recovery process.

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