Lifestyle Fashion

6 Best And Cheapest Home Remedies To Cure Acne!

Plagued with acne? Do you have those nightmare breakouts on your skin? Many people around the world suffer the traumatic experience of being bothered by the most tormenting aspect of the skin and it is none other than acne.

Acne is the most common problem that bothers young people. However, adults are not spared either! Statistics reveal that 8 out of 10 people have acne prone skin and are struggling to regain perfect, flawless skin through various skin treatments. However, it has been clearly observed that most of the people fail to reduce their acne due to the fact that they do not know the exact ways that can help them to reduce their acne.

Many therapies and branches of medicine – Ayurvedic, Allopathic, Homeopathic, and Yunani claim to have a solution to this problem. Sometimes the treatment is expensive or time consuming. Either way, it takes a lot of patience if you are determined to fight acne.

You will be surprised to know that the remedy exists in your home! Yes, the solution is in your kitchen! The following are some simple home remedies that can help you get rid of acne permanently.

1. Sodium bicarbonate: Baking soda is a mild exfoliant that has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Helps maintain skin pH and removes dead skin. Make a paste of baking soda with water and apply to the face. Wash off after a few minutes. You can also use it in combination with cinnamon powder, honey and lemon. Baking soda is an excellent acne remedy.

2. Oatmeal: Oatmeal is a gentle cleanser that absorbs excess oil from the pores of the skin. Make a paste of oatmeal and honey along with lemon juice and rub this mixture all over your skin. Let this pack act for 30 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. Use it twice a week for best acne results.

3. Multani Mitti: Multani Mitti, also known as fuller’s earth unclogs skin pores, removes excess oil, and brightens skin. Mix multani mitti together with sandalwood powder and rose water to make a paste. Apply this mixture to your face and leave it on for 20-30 minutes. Multani mitti is known to have wonderful effects in clearing acne.

Four. Lemon juice: Lemon is very useful in treating acne due to its acidic property. Lemon also acts as a cleanser and cleanses accumulated dirt in the pores of the skin. Rub a lemon wedge on the affected area of ​​the skin and leave it to act for a few hours. Rinse with lukewarm water. You can also use lemon juice in combination with rose water.

5. Toothpaste: In fact, it’s surprising that toothpaste that helps you clean your teeth can also help clear acne. Apply toothpaste to the affected area before going to bed and leave it on overnight. Toothpaste reduces acne redness and you will see a significant reduction in two to three days.

6. Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is known to be a popular acne reduction treatment. It has antiseptic properties that kill acne-causing bacteria. Apply 2-3 drops of tea tree oil to the affected area three times a day for best results. If tea tree oil causes dryness or irritation of the skin, you can mix it with aloe vera gel and apply it on the skin.

These are some of the skin care regimens for people suffering from acne problems. Following the steps and caring for your skin will restore your flawless and radiant skin.

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