Health Fitness

10 Ways to Instantly Unload Your Writing Brain and Break Writers Block

If you’re not in the right mindset, I promise your copy will stink to heaven. Not only will you not get the sales you want, but you also won’t build long-term relationships with your prospects (which is much more important to me than a quick sale). I have a reputation as a salesperson who shares valuable information at no cost to you.

And today I’m going to tell you about how to instantly download a copywriter’s mind to make your copy as powerful as possible. No doubt some of these methods will attract attention, but rest assured… THEY WORK!

1) Turn off your email and phone. Eliminating all distractions should be a no-brainer, but sometimes you just need to be reminded. When it’s time to write copy, you need to let the outside world into your sacred space.

2) Read something you normally would NOT read. It’s very easy to get caught up in a rut if you surround yourself with the same type of information. Shake your brain a bit.

  • If you’re a woman, try reading “Weapons and Ammunition.”
  • Men, choose your latest “Cosmo”.
  • Conservatives take a look at “Maxim”.
  • Liberals take “The American Conservative.”

3) Wear “drafting” clothing. Many professional copywriters have a “suit” or specific piece of clothing that they wear every day to work. When you put on that outfit, hat or shoes, you know in your head that it’s time to get down to business. Just like Superman, when the job is done, you can change.

4) Read Someone Else’s Killer Copy. Nothing beats getting into the mood than reading professional copy that has real cadence and persuasiveness. My favorite writing touches are by John Carlton, Ali Brown, Gary Halbert (RIP), Marie Forleo, and yes, even my own.

5) Set a timer. When you know there is an end in sight, you can work more easily using quick bursts of focused energy. I alternate between a 15 minute time period and a 5 minute time period. Interestingly, I do more with the 5 minute snippets because I don’t allow ANY STOP during that time. I don’t always use that time frame because it takes a mental toll after multiple 5 minute chunks in a row.

6) Take a nap. A NASA study showed that a 26-minute nap can increase performance by 34%. The fact is that most people are naturally tired in the afternoon anyway (about 8 hours after waking up). Our biological clocks are built that way. The research is very clear that naps reduce stress, increase productivity, awaken patience, and improve brain function.

7) Do something that makes you feel good. You are the creator of the future masterpiece. When you feel cared for, it’s much easier to openly create. So get a massage, pet your pet, enjoy a nookie with your partner… whatever makes you smile.

8) Light a candle that smells good or some incense. Smell is one of the most powerful senses we have. Personally, I use a Trapp’s Pink Grapefruit Candle which is incredibly fragrant. Grapefruit has an energizing effect.

9) Listen to uplifting music and get moving. Shifting your energy helps relax brain flow and memory. In fact, the increased flow of oxygen and blood to the brain actually helps form NEW BRAIN CELLS by activating growth-stimulating hormones in your brain.

10) Create a system for you (or learn from someone else). I previously recommended two powerful opportunities for you to get this ability in your arsenal as soon as possible. The only one still available virtually uses Carlton’s “Simple Writing System”. Regardless of what works for you, copywriting is something you will simply need for every promotion and marketing message you want to put out.

Give yourself a raise by learning to do it right.

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