Windfall for Ultra Mansion Homeowners

Ultra Mansion, a 36-year-old residential complex, located 500m from Novena MRT station, was sold in a collective sale to Fantasia (Novena) Pte Ltd, a subsidiary of Hong Kong-listed Fantasia Holdings group . In the bidding that concluded on January 18, 2013, Fantasia emerged as the highest bidder among 3 others with a winning bid of $149.13 million. The freehold development […]

Section 8 supporters? Do’s and don’ts for homeowners

Section 8 is a Housing and Urban Development (HUD) assistance program for low-income families that provides housing payment assistance to families based on their ability to pay housing expenses. Section 8 programs are administered by a Public Housing Authority (PHA); either the State, the local city housing authority or the county housing commission. The PHA pays the landlord directly for […]

Beating the 5 C’s of credit during a recession

I met with a prospect last week who is in deep trouble. Due to increased competition and reduced demand, they have suffered significant losses in recent years. They have a recovery plan. They have a good team of employees. They have the inventory to sell. They have customers to sell to. There’s only one thing they don’t have, cash. I […]

Real estate transactions without all the paperwork

Going paperless is a dream for many busy real estate agents, but until recently it was a daunting prospect. However, new digital laws and creative real estate tech companies are helping to make the change less intimidating, and real estate agents who have been prepared for years can now affordably leave paper behind. Without reams of documents to move from […]

Buying Real Estate in Nicaragua

The first step to buying real estate in Nicaragua is to forget everything you know about the process in your home country… no matter where your home is. Let me make one thing clear at the outset. There are incredible offers to buy properties in Nicaragua. In fact, there is no other market in the Americas where it is reasonable […]