Which Koi Food Brand Is The Best Choice For Your Fish?

A comparative study with candid information on the differences between some of the most popular Koi food brands commercially available to Koi keepers in the US. One of the most frequently asked questions we get from Koi keepers is “what Koi food is the best?” At first glance, the answer to this question is very simple. It depends. But the […]

Mechanical sports betting system

If you read any sports betting book or any type of sports betting article, what will you learn? Bet on the underdog! Every book, website, everything, service, whatever, always tells you to bet on the dogs. If everyone is betting on the dogs, are the odds on the favorites too high? The European soccer leagues will start soon and to […]

Canine Anal Sacs – Canine Anal Sac Care Tips

Canine anal sacs are nature’s way of helping a dog mark its territory. When your dog defecates, the sphincter muscles contract and, pressing against the anal glands, excrete an oily fluid. Problems occur when the glands produce more fluid than can be squeezed or emptied from the glands or stool, and the sphincter muscles do not apply enough pressure. The […]

Strangle – Dogs tied up – Dead in 3 to 5 minutes!

One of the most horrifying experiences for a dog owner who persists in tying up their dog is finding it dead! It takes 3-5 minutes for a dog to strangle itself! Be especially careful with puppies! They can get into serious trouble in the blink of an eye. NEVER leave them unattended. Charge them or correct them if you can’t […]

The benefits of buying pet supplies online

Why buy pet supplies online? There are many reasons why people take advantage of online shopping for their pet supplies. You can shop for pet products on the web including: pet food, pet grooming equipment, pet furniture, pet carrying cases, pet accessories, aquariums and accessories, pet grooming books, and more. Many people use the web to shop for all sorts […]

When is a fully grown West Highland Terrier or Westie?

The West Highland White Terrier is an intelligent, lovable, active, and fun-loving animal. I’m a bit biased, being the author of crazy about westies. To be honest, I preferred larger dogs until we got our Westie pup named Pepper. Now I am completely conquered. I find him very funny, especially when he plays soccer. He’s just excellent at dribbling the […]

Advanced dog training exercises

Approaching when called is a vital skill that every dog ​​must learn, both for their own safety and that of those around them. A wayward dog that refuses to come when called could easily get hit by a car, get into a fight with another dog, or suffer a variety of other bad experiences. A well-trained dog that comes when […]

Pros and Cons of Chicken Jerky Treats for Dogs

You can definitely use dog treats to help you train your dog or to reward him for good behavior. But of course, you have to make sure that they are not only appetizing but also healthy at the same time, making sure that they do not hurt your dog instead of giving good results. There is a wide range of […]

10 female dog names and their meanings

For some, naming their new pet is one of the most challenging parts of owning a pet. You realize that you and your pet are going to stick with this name for a long time, so take your time in choosing. Below is a list of 10 girl dog names along with their meanings. You just might find the perfect […]