10 ways to start the day with energy

Before getting out of bed: 1. Express gratitude…Take a moment to send some mental thanks to the world… for seeing another day, for your family and friends, for having your health, your job, a roof over your head, or whatever the situation may be. Realizing that you are already living in a state of being hurt helps you energize your […]

Bird baths attract birds to the garden

If you want to add another dimension to your garden, consider installing a birdbath because it will attract a variety of different birds who will entertain you with their playful antics in the water. While a bird feeder may only attract the types of birds that eat the seeds you put in it, all birds need water, so all species […]

Fabolous – Akademiks Hip-Hop Clothing

Akademiks hip-hop clothing burst onto the fashion scene when Brooklyn rapper Fabolous wore and rapped about it in 2001. Since then, the brand has taken the streetwear world by storm. With its motto, “Denim Is King”, Akademiks has set out to be an innovator, creator and promoter of streetwear. Coveted for their detail and quality, Akademiks PRPS jeans are worn […]

How to protect new piercings while tanning

Fashion is something that practically everyone can identify with, be it a man, a woman or a child. One of the oldest fashion trends for both genders is shallow piercings. Body piercings date back to the beginning of mankind, from the ancient Egyptians with stretched out earlobes and lower lips, to ornamental tribal piercings and similar body modifications. Although these […]

The Most Effective Estrogen Dominance Treatment

If you are one of the many women experiencing severe perimenopausal symptoms, including (but not limited to): extreme premenstrual syndrome Insomnia · Tired ovarian cysts uterine fibers Humor changes · Rage infertility weight gain low libido Then you are likely suffering from estrogen dominance, a condition where you have too much estrogen and not enough progesterone. Note that this is […]